When it comes to aliens, they are usually represented such as they are shown in Hollywood nonsense: low, with egg- shaped, disproportionately large heads, with huge slanting eyes. A photo from open sources This is how they are described by eyewitnesses, people, which they claim came into contact with UFO crews. But, it turns out, there are other aliens from other worlds, very similar to us, almost indistinguishable from earthlings. And they seem to here for a long time here on Earth, among us. Who are they living creatures or biorobots – no one will argue. But meeting them already recorded … Just a reservation: when it comes to UFOs, then creatures flying to them, we used to call aliens, although there is no reliable data that one of them reported this to us earthlings. Aliens, most importantly, stubbornly avoid make contact with Homo sapiens. It turns out something strange: flew in, twisted and flew away. But flight to another planet, no matter where, this is not a tour of his native city. is he inevitably associated with huge energy costs moving to space. Any intelligent creatures will go to them only in that in case they receive some extremely important information about the Earth and its inhabitants. But this is impossible without contact with the natives, which is not there! There is an insoluble contradiction. But it is only at first sight. In fact, it is not, since the Enlonauts have long are among us, and we do not suspect this. Here are just some reliable evidence on this subject.
Says Academician of the Academy of Cosmonautics L.N. Melnikov: “I 20 years ago, in a quite ordinary situation, he met a man, when looking at which the thought immediately arose: “But not an alien is it? “. The meeting took place in a crowded Moscow bus in station “Dynamo”. I sat, and a man of about 60 stood. Right away one thing struck me: he had a nose that shone for me from below through and through, and this nose was with one nasal opening. Was created the impression that a person’s nose was cut off and put in its place a prosthesis made of plastic. I am talking only about the impression. IN he scared the rest with his strangeness and incomprehensibility, to explain which was difficult. Maybe some special a cold, icy, impassive look. In a word, then I have there was almost no doubt that I met an alien. ” full members of the Russian Geographical Society Konstantin Wulf and Edward Gapewski: “February evening in 1981 at Leningrad hotel “Moscow” three of her employees, translators G. Yeshkileva (hereinafter – G.E.), K. Ter-Avanesyan (K.T.) and S. Matveeva (S.M.) were struck by a meeting with an unusual person. Two women were in the lobby at their workstations behind the counter at the entrance left, and the third stopped at the counter. Suddenly appeared in the lobby the man. He walked not from the front door, but from the pillar in the center of the hall. Perplexedly looking around, as if he didn’t understand where is. “Girls, where can I call?” – very loud this man asked, as if he had fallen from the ceiling. – We looked at each other, – later K.T. said, – and smiled: because in the hotel is not accepted to speak loudly. They gave him the phone, but warned that he was an official. – I know everything, but I have to call, this is an urgent and very important matter! said the stranger and He heavily lowered a metal object onto the counter. – I a spaceship mechanic, he continued, if I don’t find our assistant, we can’t fly away! We have a breakdown! We gave him phone, and they almost died laughing. Hotel staff reaction understandable: all this seemed like a joke at first. – We were all shocked the voice of this person, – K.T. testifies. – I haven’t heard such a voice. Firstly, it was very loud, like missed through the microphone. Secondly, without any emotions, absolutely smooth, like would be metallic, reminiscent of the voice of robots from movies. The words measuredly separated by pauses. On the appearance of the stranger K.T. says: – … He looked about 45 years old. A person of European type, oval. The eyes are normal, brown, small. Perhaps stood out only large, with a humpy nose. This gave him the look of a southern person. The skin color is swarthy, but not to the same extent as the mulatto. Black hair. He probably did not shave for two days, with bristles on his face. He was dressed out of season: without a coat, but winter outside. Blunt brown shoes are not cleaned. How did he get to the hotel? Therefore all witnesses were perplexed. You could only enter Moscow from the street through the main entrance, and he is always under the control of porters, which strangers do not miss. Emergency exits continuously locked up. Meanwhile, no one had the impression that the visitor came from the street. Yes, and he approached the counter not from the side entrance, and from the middle of the hall. So, the man dialed the number and became talk: – It’s me … We need to meet … Otherwise, we will not have time repair and do not take off … Then he pulled away from the tube and dumbfounded everyone with the question: – Girls, where am I? – How are you then got here if you don’t know where you are? – answered him G.E. He did not react to this and persistently repeated his question, then he began to specify where the metro station is nearby and what is called. Making an appointment at the metro, he hung up and thanked hotel staff. Then he took his metal object and again plunged everyone into amazement with the question: “And how to get out of here?” S.M waved hand showing the street. – Right from here? – asked the man and pointed to the window. – But not the same! Go through the door! – And she sent him to the exit. K.T. tracked: here he was in the gap between the glass wall and the door, then be sure must pass by the window … But this did not happen – he disappeared, evaporated! So what, some kind of crazy man? However his behavior doesn’t speak in favor of this version: “He had a man’s look in sane, but indifferent, absent. On the face – no emotions. He spoke about everything quite seriously, calmly, without a shadow smiles, ”says S.M. Her colleague K.T. confirms:“ Eyes – like a normal, sane person, but they don’t expressed. Some of those glass, look at one point. “Story professional driver Yuri Limansky. He is early Sunday on the morning of 1985, he returned to Leningrad at his Moskvich-412 Murmansk highway. Suddenly the engine stalled. Although the motor was new and worked flawlessly. What to do, I had to stop and look for the cause of the malfunction. Further Limansky says this: “I stood bending over the engine when he suddenly heard a voice person: “Hello!” I straightened up: on the side of the road stood an average growth male years 45-47. His appearance was completely unexpected. and awesome. The place around is open. It was deserted on the highway, neither oncoming, no passing cars. There were no people either. ” something like this dialogue. “Are you going to Leningrad? Take me to the boundaries of the city? – “Please, but only my engine has stalled.” -“Close the hood and let’s go. Everything will be all right.” Not understanding himself why, the driver did not object. A man sat next to the front seat. Oddly enough, the car immediately started up. Some time drove in silence. Suddenly, the man suggested: – Do you want me to show the trick? Stay here. Slowed down on the side of the road without turning off the engine. IN 100-110 meters there was a sign “Leningrad”. – So, – the man continued, “now I will go out and in a moment I will be at the sign.” But just keep in mind: when you talk about it, you don’t care no one will believe. Y. Limansky: “He left the salon, closed for a door. I carefully watched his movements. Some I stood at the hood for a second, then I blinked and … did not believe my to the eyes. A man was standing on the side of the road next to the signpost! All around souls. A few more seconds passed and my passenger … instantly disappeared! He didn’t fall through the earth, but disappeared, as if off light bulb. In doing so, I felt complete reality what is happening. Having approached the place, I carefully examined the adjacent site, went down into the ditch, examined the bushes – nobody. “Yuri Limansky describes the appearance of a mysterious passenger: it was a man of medium height, athletic build, with a face European type, seemingly Russian. Facial features are ordinary. FROM normal proportions. No scars, no blemishes. All clothes ironed, with a needle, without traces of dust or dirt. Produced the impression of a cultured person. Behaved normally, kept free, sometimes smiling. But perhaps the strangest impression produces the certificate of journalist Viktor Potapov. He writes: “For years of work as the editor of the newspaper “Secret Power” I had to see a lot of amazing, strange and dangerous people. Once in 1996, to a woman came to my office either from Australia or from New Zealand. “Then there was such a dialogue. When V. Potapov offered to communicate in English, because he spoke decently on this tongue, the visitor hesitated for a while, but then she answered: “It is not, it is not, it will not be good, right.” In Russian, speak only Russian … Okay, agreed. AND then the journalist carefully examined her for the first time. “As a woman, she was completely unattractive, although not badly built, ”says V. Potapov.- A light dress revealed only thin swarthy hands and the same thin narrow face. I remembered him well: big, but not too much, nose with a hump, high cheekbones, medium full lips. Normal chin. There were no catchy features except for the eyes – they were black, and no matter what was going on speech, dispassionately absent. Agree: with any person trying to speak a language he does not know should some feelings are reflected. “So, they talked. Potapov honestly admits, “that he sweated, delving into the essence of her phrases, understanding from half strength, “she, having heard the next” I do not understand, ” moved on to the next question. After half an hour, he already became to think: what does she, in fact, need? She’s clearly not was going to write for Secret Power. She poked out! How are you relate to that and that what you think about this or to another. And all the time, with great speed, sorted through the words, until I found the right ones, only then I inserted them into my phrase. Then have acted on the principle of machine translation. However, she does not I tried at least occasionally to replace Russian words with English. Seem to be, she did not know english! V. Potapov: “That’s all that I understood from of our conversation: she was interested in the goals of the newspaper and plans for the future, and Do I also believe … Next came a long list of questions, half of which revolved around the problems of UFOs and extraterrestrial civilizations … ” this is not the end of the matter. Soon after, Potapov tested the international category hypnologist Petr Petrovich Moshkov, with with which they tried to deal with this visit. So, when during a hypnosis session, they “examined” a strange visitor, then immediately drew attention to two details: firstly, not only the eyes remained impassive for two hours, but also the face – It was completely devoid of facial expressions. Secondly, this woman was not as unattractive as it seemed at first how many a stranger! Unless the black, short-cut hair was themselves ordinary, but everything else … “everything in it was a little bit wrong, as if a skeleton is arranged a little differently, a different relief have muscles. Well, and another feeling … you know that when If you encounter another person, then you are in contact with biofields. So Now, if the frequency of their oscillations coincides, you start with sympathy relate to a person. “But that’s strange, V. Potapov notes, as for the visitor, then in relation to her he did not experience neither sympathy, nor antipathy, but alienation and tension. Later one psychic explained: this means that the biofield of a foreigner had different from human characteristics. In addition, Moshkov discovered obvious signs of hypnotic effects on Potapov. IN in particular, they could not restore her name, obviously, it was erased from memory. Secondly, it turns out that Potapov repeatedly asked her questions about the purpose of her visit. She answered something, but what namely, it is unknown. During hypnosis sessions, it was clearly visible how her lips moved, but not a sound flew from them! And one more very important point. There were several pictures in which the woman suddenly disappeared from the office, and then, slowly, returned through the door. Victor Potapov writes: “The tricks of the subconscious,” I asked Moshkova. “No, the subconscious, in contrast to consciousness, does not lie knows how it was, “he said. So, the alien for some reason disappeared, and soon returned again. And it passed by mine consciousness. “And here is what L. Sukhareva tells:” November 11, 1989 arrived at Adler airport and decided to leave the bag at automatic left-luggage office. The attendant named Edik was talking with my friend, seller Vanya. Then a guy of about 25 years old, entered above average, solid build. With tousled hair a pale face devoid of any facial expressions. His eyes are bewildered running around, it seemed that he was looking for something. He moved somehow awkwardly I would say it’s inhibited. “Then there was this. Without greeting and how without noticing anyone, he examined the walls, looked under the bench. Seeing there is an electrical outlet, with spread fingers of the right hand poked the seated Vanya and orderedly said: “Move over!” All were very surprised and naturally outraged. He tried something say, but, waving his hand, went out. A few minutes later he returned bent down again to the outlet. To the question “What are you looking for?” he carefully looked at Edik and literally began to squeeze out of himself: “I gave … a hat … a scarf … forgot … “Then they began to inquire: Did he forget to write down the number of his cell, so was she not there? The guy was surprised: “What is to record? Why should I record?” He spoke with difficulty all the time, squeezing every word out of himself. Then he was asked which city he flew from or by train I arrived. He thought and said: “Sverdlovsk.” And slowly repeated syllables: “Airplane”, and then abruptly, as if woke up: “No! I went down on the unit. Here you have a different atmosphere, great pressure. I got a precipitate. “Everyone froze for a moment it became creepy. According to her confession, L. Sukhareva somehow managed to save self-control and asked: “How – on the machine? On the plate, or what?”. And he, slightly angry, repeated: “No! I went down to unit. “Then he grabbed Edik by the shoulder:” Give me a socket, I I’ll charge. “The duty officer had no choice but to complete this fantastic request. Edik, frightened, jumped out of the room, and what happened next was observed by Sukhareva herself. The guy sat on corner of the bench facing the outlet. Then, with his right hand, he took hold of the window sill, and the index and middle fingers placed on the outlet. His shook, his face covered with blue spots. But after 10-15 seconds he took his hand from the outlet and shook his head violently. Blue spots have disappeared. The strange guy got up, headed for the door and on the go said: “That’s it! I remembered!” Now he pronounced the words clearly, without voltage. “When he went out, Eddie and another one on duty. Both held on to their heads as if they were sore. To me but, on the contrary, it became somehow very good, even fun. One of they asked: “Who was it?” I answered without hesitation: “Alien!” I don’t know why I said that, “writes in conclusion of L. Sukharev. Of course draw final conclusions regarding the intentions and plans of the Enlonauts, it is still early. But clear one thing: humanity is not the only form of life in the universe. And if the aliens are ever going to contact us, they will probably try to study thoroughly beforehand future partners. And the most effective way to do this is to live among people under the guise of their fellow tribesmen, accordingly changing their appearance with the help of biotechnologies not known to us. And maybe with the help of biorobots, hook, most likely, was in the adler the airport. Then the question is: where do the enlonauts come from? Answer may to be only one of the parallel worlds. Ancient legends traditionally are considered the naive fabrication of our distant ancestors. Actually in they often contain such knowledge, in particular about the Universe, which are now presented in new formulations as fundamental discoveries of modern science. This also applies to parallel worlds. According to the esoteric teaching of the universe, there are 7 different spaces that make up a single whole, and our Earth is only one of them at number three. Besides her, there is 2 more lower, more “rough”, and 4 upper – “thin” worlds. Although all 7 worlds are interpenetrable, to overcome sharing them barriers require a mass of energy that our civilization has not yet knows how to concentrate in a limited space, a transition point. But thermonuclear explosions break through the “holes” between the worlds. Moreover no one knows what their implications are for the other six interconnected space-time realities, i.e. parallel worlds, and those who inhabit them. Existence today parallel worlds recognized by prominent physicists who gave him scientific explanation. The foundation of the universe is the quantum world. It manifests itself in the form of parallel worlds, each of which is not less real than everyone else. Moreover, they are all “tied” to some celestial bodies, in our case, to the planet Earth. Since the parallel worlds neighboring us are on equal distance from the sun, then their physical characteristics, including the presence of oxygen atmosphere and water should be the same. This is confirmed, in particular, by the fact that aliens breathe earthly air. But on other planets it can hardly be the same atmosphere. Consequently, life in parallel worlds in principle should develop equally with the same “final product “- humanoids. The difference is only in the time of existence, and, consequently, the “advanced ™” of different civilizations. Remains answer the main question: Why do they come to us? To seize our space and survive us? Oh no! They are all concerned own survival. Alarmed by our foolishness. Obviously Earth’s nuclear “games” are too dangerous for them, our “neighbors” try to constantly watch us, so that if necessary have time to intervene on time. And the facts of their intervention also exist, and far from safe.
Drivers Time Universe Life Moscow Parallel Worlds