Something flew over China in a dark sky and mysteriously winked at the lights

Over China, something flew in the dark sky and mysteriously winked at the lights.A photo from open sources

In the Weibo Middle Kingdom social network, several videos about the same strange phenomenon: above the city Chongqing, which is located in the southwestern part of China, in the evening something strange appeared in the sky that flew and winked three, and then two lights.

Flickering lights that belonged clearly to moving through the sky an object which, due to darkness, could no longer be seen (like do not shoot on video), riveted the attention of many citizens who started to shoot this miracle on video, and then upload it videos on the social network with the same question – what is it?

Neither ufologists nor Chinese scientists have yet given an explanation for this UFO. Internet users began to build all kinds of guesses, divided into those who saw in these lights some kind of material object, and those who considered all this a natural phenomenon or even an illusion.

For example, most Chinese people chose to believe that in the sky an alien reconnaissance vehicle was flying, because, apparently, they are very I wanted just such a “miracle.”

True, Steed’s scarf, a well-known blogger in China, who gathered an almost five-million army of subscribers, assured his fans that he has already seen such a phenomenon in the sky and more than once, for example, most recently in Shanghai. This, according to a specialist, just a reflection in the clouds of navigation lights going on landing of a passenger liner.

Despite the huge authority of Steed’s scarf in China, they believed far from all his compatriots into this “boring” theory, and when the video appeared on the world’s Internet, then Western ufologists and completely ridiculed her. First, for some reason, the previous “approaches planes “none of the Chinese did not cause surprise and desire to shoot it on video is clearly something wrong. And secondly, why Chongqing Jiangbei Airport workers did not confirm version arrogant blogger? ..

Therefore, we watch the video and build our own – guesses. For more this video is clearly not enough …


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