Space and Yoga Farming in India

Space and yogic farming of IndiaPhotos from open sources of

According to NDTV, the ancients return to India space and yogic farming traditions that suggest meditation and chanting of Vedic mantras in the fields instead of using chemical and organic fertilizers as well all kinds of pesticides.

Cosmic farming, as it is called by yourself performers, experimentally practiced now in state of goa. Here’s what Nelson Figueiredo says about this – Director of State Department of Agriculture:

We want to return to organic farming, abandoning any chemicals and fertilizers. Instead, farmers will attract the pure energy of the Universe to their fields, singing Vedic mantras for 20 minutes every day – and so on twenty days after sowing or planting. All this without all modern physical (organic and chemical) stimulants should promote better growth of cultural plants, and in the end result – to give a more abundant crop, because in this case, the pests of crops and plantings will not be afraid, not to mention the fact that mantras should attract grace the weather …

A photo from open sources

But Goa’s authorities do not want to stop there, either. journalists write, intending to encourage rural workers not only to the chanting of mantras, but also to field meditations (yogic farming – yogic farming). Currently experiment on to yogic farming takes place in the state of Rajasthan, and specifically – in spiritual organization of Brahma Kumaris. Nelson Figueiredo arrived here to share experiences, he said, the results of such a spiritual The farming is impressive. Brahma Kumaris leaders claim that on today, more than a thousand farmers in India have switched to yogic farming, and no farmer has ever regretted such “innovation”.

A photo from open sources

It’s no coincidence that the word “innovation” is in quotation marks because spiritual farming (cosmic and yogic) was used on the territory of modern India from time immemorial, but then the “civilized” European world simply destroyed it all, like, for example, and many other spiritual traditions of many ancient peoples, let’s say Indians in America.

But how does the government look at all this? Very much positive, for example, the Minister of Agriculture of India Vijay Sardesai expresses complete enthusiasm on this subject; encourages spiritual farming and other similar undertakings, putting in an example initiative of the agricultural department of the state of goa in an example to other leaders.

Time india

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