Sprinkle sugar – for a sweet life. The sign about this product was formed in ancient times, when it was not available to everyone, and it was purchased mainly in small quantities. As a result, there was a belief: sprinkling sugar is sure to do something good, since only wealthy families could afford it.
Why did the sugar crumble?
If you happen to accidentally sprinkle sugar, then the omen can be interpreted as follows:
- A large amount of spilled sweet grains means that well-being awaits you. Things in the financial sector will improve, income will be high and stable.
- If you scattered a small portion, then this also promises a profit. Only it will be one-off and insignificant. It can be a lottery win, a prize, or your debt can be repaid.
- For an unmarried girl, sprinkled sugar by omen means personal happiness. Soon she will meet a man whom, quite possibly, she will marry. In order for the omen to work and bring happy changes, draw a heart on the surface of the spilled slide with your left hand.
- If a married woman spilled sugar on the table or on the floor, then this promises a happy period in a relationship with a spouse. Romance will return to their lives, passion will flare up with renewed vigor.
- For a man, such an incident is also a good sign. Now is the best time to win the heart of your beloved. It's time to act – success is guaranteed.
- Spilled sugar becomes a harbinger of a white streak in life. For women, this period promises a large number of fans, increased attention from the opposite sex.
- If it fell apart through no fault of yours, but simply because the bag was torn, good news or unexpected profit awaits you.
It used to be customary to specially sprinkle sugar in front of the newlyweds. The sweet path became a symbol of well-being and family happiness.
Folk omens about sprinkled sugar, depending on the place
Spread sugar on the floor or on the table, according to the sign, is an auspicious sign. You should not worry about this, since soon only joyful events await you.
On the table
Sugar is often sprinkled on the table, since the jar with this sweet product is stored there. And if there was such an oversight, do not be upset. Sprinkle sugar on the table – to prosperity. This promises satiety and a good financial situation. Your table will be magnificent and rich for the joy of households and guests.
One spoonful of this product, sprinkled on the table, promises a comfortable life throughout the year. For this reason, you should not reproach yourself for clumsiness: good changes await you and only a bright future.
On the floor
Spreading sugar on the floor is also a lucky omen. Things in the financial sector will improve, peace and tranquility will reign in the house. The same incident can mean love affairs.
- In this case, unmarried girls and single guys expect pleasant romantic dates.
- If one of the spouses slept, then this promises a new acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex, which, perhaps, will result in a whirlwind romance.
- But when a husband and wife sprinkle sugar on the floor together, the meaning of the signs is different – joy will come to the house, mutual understanding will come to relationships, and the marriage will be long and strong.
At the door
If sweet grains wake up at the door, then by that they promise pleasant chores. It will be a renovation or a major purchase. In any case, the investment will be successful. The second meaning of this sign is an increase in material wealth, and for all family members, without exception. Someone is expected to move up the career ladder, someone will get their old debts back.
There is another interpretation – they spilled at the door, wait for the guests. The meeting promises to be pleasant, sweet. You will be glad of this visit, and the communication will be on a positive note.
Signs about lump sugar
It is difficult to spill refined sugar, because the crystals in it are pressed quite well. But it does happen sometimes. The omen in this situation promises the following:
- if several pieces are scattered, a new interesting job awaits you, which will bring moral satisfaction and a stable income;
- if one piece of refined sugar fell – get a gift in the form of a sum of money;
- if the refined sugar crumbled at the moment when you tried to bite it – this promises an improvement in the financial situation, for example, profit from a transaction.
- if a piece falls out of your hands and crumbles into many crystals – this promises success in the business sphere, you will find reliable partners, and your business will flourish.
What to do with spilled sugar?
According to popular belief, spilled sugar should not be removed immediately. Letting him lie on the floor or on a table for a while will increase the chances of success. After a couple of hours, carefully collect the grains and take them outside.
Throwing away the 'sweet omen' is not recommended. Crystals should be returned to the earth. If you do everything according to the rules, a sign will bring good changes. This is an important part of belief. People say that when you throw this product into the trash can, then at the same time you give up money and cherished desires.
Signs about sprinkled sugar promise exceptionally good events. But remember that joy and profit can only be expected if you accidentally dropped the sweet grains.