Strange flash captured by camcorder ISS

Strange flash recorded by ISS camcorderPhoto from open sources

Famous ufologist, positioning himself on YouTube video hosting under the nickname Streetcap1, provided new evidence that the cameras The International Comic Station is constantly “seeing” UFOs. At least least bright flash that appeared over the horizon of the Earth about an hour after moonrise, it seems to the researcher very strange, not at all like ordinary space debris.

Some regulars on the World Wide Web who are also interested UFOs and aliens are sure that this is a kind of hitch shuttles aliens, others, on the contrary, believe that the video captured ordinary laser beam, they say, it is these green “arrows” are used today for pointing weapons or adjusting telescopes.

There were those who noticed that at the bottom of this mysterious the flash recorded by the ISS camera is clearly visible reddish a shade that can serve as evidence of engine performance. IN Anyway, the users agreed, the uccologist of Streetcap1, as always, at the height of his research activity, capable as true hunter, notice even the most elusive “game”.


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