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Even with a simple telescope, you can see mysterious phenomena on Earth satellite surface.
The moon is considered to be a geologically dead body. And if so, then nothing special can happen there. Unless it falls another meteorite – the surface will shake, a pillar of dust will fly up and another funnel appears. And that’s all. However about once a week something happens on the moon that diverges from traditional representations. And you readers can see them if take a good look. NASA is at a loss …… When the Americans were going to send a man to the moon then seriously began to research this cosmic body. We even studied the works ancient scholars, diaries of medieval astronomers, work specialists of the XIX – XX centuries. It turned out that abnormal phenomena on Earth satellite occur indecently often. That astronomers notice lightning on a lifeless planet, then flashes of blue or red colors, then dark spots, and in some cases the surface of the moon begins to blur, as if this place is shrouded in fog. And in 1968 NASA released a catalog of anomalous short-term lunar phenomena (an expanded edition was published in 1978). It describes several thousand such “miracles” over the period from 500 BC e. before today. What happens there, no one knows. Version about the influence of the earth’s atmosphere, which can distort the picture from the moon, was refuted back in 1969 when the mysterious glow in Aristarchus crater was simultaneously observed through telescopes from Earth and American astronauts Apollo 11 in a ship in lunar orbit. Professionals replaced by lovers phenomena exist – this is a fact. But after the termination of the program “Apollo” interest in our heavenly neighbor scientists disappeared. Ceased to exist and international scientific groups that recorded abnormal phenomena and could immediately contact colleagues from other countries, so that they could urgently confirm or deny observation. After all, it is considered genuine if the “phenomenon” simultaneously recorded from at least two points. Now “moon patrol” is only for amateurs. Over the last 15 – For 20 years, about three thousand more certificates have been collected. However their Many scientists question the accuracy. Since they are not confirmed by professional astronomers. For example, David DARLING, Coordinator of the search for short-term lunar phenomena International Association of Moon and Planet Observers, often complains that “some professional astronomers relate to reports of such things as “observing” UFOs. But it is their a business. We must accumulate information about such phenomena, for in order to expand our knowledge of the moon. And see them it is possible, if you’re lucky, even without a telescope – with binoculars, a telescope pipe, and sometimes even with the naked eye. ” watch As the statistics of both NASA and independent “moon patrols”, abnormal phenomena most often appear in strictly defined places – there are only 27 of them. The most famous is the crater Aristarchus. The number of phenomena observed in it has already exceeded a thousand. Other most attractive places are Gassendi Craters and Plato. According to Western researchers, one abnormal phenomenon can be seen in 40 – 50 hours of observation – about once a week, if you follow the moon every night. Amateur astronomers succeeded find another regularity: the probability of detecting an anomaly about one and a half times higher two nights before and after the full moon. A if during the full moon there will also be a lunar eclipse, then, according to statistics, the chances are even greater. Or maybe it’s aliens? This version is followed by Ukrainian Researcher of lunar anomalies, Ph.D. sciences Alex ARKHIPOV: – A characteristic episode occurred on September 13, 1959, when the Soviet probe Luna-2 crashed into a night star. Exact place the fall was calculated in advance – in the area of the crater of Archimedes. However astronomers from Sweden, France, Hungary, England and Ireland simultaneously with this explosion recorded several more bursts of explosions at a distance of up to 600 kilometers from the place The probe’s “moonings” are well-known official information. AND if we draw an analogy with earthly military conflicts, it seems that during the “invasion” of our probe on the moon some mechanisms left there by representatives of another civilization. A why should they be left on the moon? For one purpose only – watch us. All results will be investigated by specialists. Department of the Moon and Planets of the State Astronomical Institute them. Sternberg. What the Americans saw when Apollo 11 was already in the orbit of the moon, astronomers from the German Institute space research noticed a telescope glow in the crater Aristarchus. Information was transmitted to the United States, and from there to the ship. Houston (Mission Control Center): There is work. Have appeared reports of certain phenomena near the crater of Aristarchus. Astronaut Aldrin: … I will take out a map and see where this crater is. Is going transfer of coordinates. X .: Do you see something worthy? Astronaut Armstrong: Hey Houston! There is an area in the crater which is more illuminated than the rest. She seems a little fluoresces. Something else from this distance is difficult to make out. Astronaut Aldrin: Looking at the same area … One shaft the crater seems more illuminated … I’m not sure if this is a glow, but it is definitely brighter than the surroundings.
NASA Moon Telescope