Strange UFO over Washington disguised as airplane

A strange UFO over Washington disguised as a planeA photo from open sources

Visitors to the Snokvalmi Pass ski resort in the US Washington State, vacationers the other day in this glorious place, not even suspected that an unidentified flying object would fly over them cigar-shaped. The most inexplicable in all of this is that UFOs left a condensation trail in the sky, just like an airplane. Not However, this aircraft could not have been an airplane.

So, one of the vacationers accidentally looked at the sky at that moment and suddenly realized that a long and dark UFO was flying there. Simply amazing! An eyewitness, of course, immediately took out his smartphone and captured the anomaly on the video, sending subsequently received record to ufologists. Material in a short time managed to fly around many foreign sites.

Researchers of Unidentified Flying Objects and Extraterrestrial civilizations have concluded that the length captured on these frames the apparatus should be at least a kilometer. Obviously neither one state in the world does not possess such technologies. Someone says that it’s probably about a space rocket, but this the statement immediately raises a reasonable question: where are these individuals Have you seen such huge terrestrial rockets? Also why she flew in the earth’s atmosphere, not in orbit? Some skeptics believe that it was still an ordinary plane, which, due to some strange the illusion looked like a long dark streak.

Having become acquainted with this video, many conspiracy therapists remembered chemotracks, or chemical trails, as they are also called. A popular conspiracy theory is that a secret world government spraying mysterious chemicals from planes in the sky. Learn this the plane, they say, can be on an unusual condensation trail, which does not disappear in a few minutes, but expands and turns into a kind of cirrus cloud. Widespread opinion that in this way the powers that be the world’s population experiencing chemical weapons or even prepare the Earth for the arrival of aliens. Really “strange UFO” – this is just an illusion, resulting from the fact that that the Illuminati plane again sprayed poisonous earth above the ground substances? ..

However, judge for yourself what it looks like. Anyway, say that this is an ordinary plane, somehow even the language does not turns around …

Illusions Rocket Aircraft

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