Supervolcano Yellowstone under the supervision of a UFO?

Yellowstone supervolcano under the supervision of a UFO?Photos from open sources of

Over the Yellowstone volcano, a UFO flight was again recorded night time. It happened from the sixth to the seventh of August this year over the powerful geyser “Old Servant”.

Since the Yellowstone area has many cameras with round-the-clock shooting, then monitoring this space, so dangerous for North America, and the whole world too, carried out wide and constant.

An unidentified object first appeared in the sky as a bright dot and after some time disappeared. But a minute later, a UFO appears again and now begins to move towards the geyser, becoming brighter. Then he flies over the “Old Servant”, suddenly illuminating the whole the neighborhood is a powerful spotlight.

A photo from open sources

It is this powerful flash of light that allows UFO identification like an alien apparatus, since a drone could not carry such light charge, and drones are forbidden to fly in the area of ​​a supervolcano, especially at night. By the way, and other flights, for example, helicopters are also strictly prohibited. Also fly over a geyser that periodically throws up to fifty meters boiling jets of water and steam, for a person just madness.

Note that this year is not the first appearance of such a UFO in in the form of a luminous ball with a powerful light source in the area of ​​the volcano Yellowstone Something similar (see video below) happened 29 February, when the webcam installed in the park is also recorded some strange flash in the valley of geysers – and again at night. At that time, the supervolcano began wake up, and for this reason its monitoring was even turned off conditions for the general public (so as not to scare Americans).

Therefore, the appearance of another such UFO the other day alarming. Are aliens again concerned the state of Yellowstone volcano? ..

A photo from open sources

Yellowstone Volcanoes Time

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