A photo from open sources
Near the volcanoes of Mexico, Istaxiuatl and Popocatepetl constantly unidentified objects of clearly unearthly origin fly because they even fly into the vents of the fire-breathing mountains, fly out from there – and nothing is being done to them.
In this regard, near these unique active volcanoes were special cameras with IR filters are installed, allowing monitor events at any time of the day. The other day Mexican television even presented an interesting chronicle of the appearance of UFOs near the above burning hills for the last month (see video).
The longest object caught in the camera’s lens was shot around the middle of last month, and this UFO is just left the crater, not injured in the least. Ufologists even suggest that the vents of volcanoes are a kind of portals for aliens, not all, of course, for some reason the aliens chose it is the Mexican fire-breathing mountains.
Despite all the efforts of ufologists and the media, official scientists continue to pretend that no UFOs and aliens are simply exist. True, they cannot explain such phenomena near volcanoes. in strength, and therefore simply remain silent, just like schoolchildren, do not learned homework lessons.