A photo from open sources
UFO U.S. Dr. Steven Greer Greer) said in early August 2012 that he led a team of scientists owns a body, possibly of extraterrestrial origin. This caused extremely heated discussions and conjectures.
Photos from open sources
Greer has now posted more information on his blog. about the object available to the researchers. According to Greer, now there are “detailed radiographs and computed tomography results full body. “Examples of these records have not yet been published.
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DNA samples were collected under sterile surgical conditions and are being analyzed by “several of the world’s leading geneticists.” “X-rays and computed tomography show certainly a completely organic humanoid body. Based on data, we were able to create amazing 3D body images. Can see internal organs, including the lungs and some a structure that we can confidently say is the heart, ” Greer explained, however, without showing pictures. All these pictures, Greer continued, the leading experts of the world should also have studied on skeletal anomalies, fetal malformations and embryonic skeletal syndromes. “The exact names of these experts Greer are still doesn’t call. However, these scientists expressed the opinion, according to which is unlikely that this body is human. “We we can also say that this body does not belong to the hominid (family of primacy squad).
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Although it is similar to human, it seems, however, is not human. “The participating experts and doctors “exclude on the basis of bone density also that it the body of a 20-22 week old deceased or aborted human the fetus, since for such an age, its bones contain too a lot of calcium. Both doctors suggest that this creature has already died. after birth, and that it lived for some time outside the uterus. ” DNA analysis is very time consuming and will be carried out with using the latest research and technology. Command The experts involved in this are the most advanced and most professional of all possible for this purpose. “DNA analysis it will take about two months – maybe even more, “Greer specified. In his blog, Greer also expressed confidence that “some results and detailed x-ray and CT images may be showing the Sirius documentary, which hopes Researcher, will be completed by December 2012. Body “alien” does not exceed “6 inches”, that is, about 12-15 centimeters. As can be seen from the blog post, Greer’s team, doesn’t seem to think that this body of an adult is independent from what its origin will be: terrestrial or extraterrestrial. The resemblance of the body found by Greer with the images is striking in photographs by similar finds made in Chile and in Russia, although the latter is different in posture and degree of preservation. What concerns the “Chilean”, it is strikingly similar to the analyzed “alien”. In addition, Greer himself repeatedly explained that this the body is not in the USA. However official confirmation from his the team that is exploring the Chilean find is not yet there. what concerns the Russian “alien”, then we are talking about the well-known Kyshtym dwarf, Alyoshenka, found alive in the Urals in 1996 year. This happened in the forest near the village of Kyshtym (Chelyabinsk region).
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