A photo from open sources
Everyone who is interested in the paranormal phenomena of our world, aliens and puzzles of space, know the tireless independent researchers – regulars of the Network, for example, Scott Waring or George Graham. But after all, our Ural ufologist, propagandist of amazing discoveries, Ural Internet journalist Valentin Degterev.
By the way, note that in the English-speaking segment of the Internet Degterev They know much more and better than in Runet. Moreover, there never misinterpreting his surname, making in it the correct stress on the first syllable Degterev.
So, what’s new “dug up” our Ural radio amateur, as journalists often call him, apparently remembering his former enthusiasm. This tireless researcher amazes not only with his discoveries, but also tremendous research energy, propaganda gift and probably still passion with which he surrenders to his search work. Such people are often called fanatics, and in the best sense of the word.
First discovery: a huge ship lies in the jungle of the Amazon aliens
If you turn to the Google Earth service, then, viewing photos of this site can be found in the impenetrable jungle Amazonian Brazil is a very strange thing (here are its coordinates – 6.305809 °, -59.015987 °).
A photo from open sources
Among the impenetrable forest, writes Valentin Degterev, lies a huge alien ship, about 30 meters in diameter (classic “flying saucer”) and a height of ten-story house. The picture taken in 2008 clearly shows not only a UFO of a whitish color, which indicates a metallic (obviously artificial) composition of its lining, but also a trace of a fall – the ship struck a whole clearing at its unsuccessful landing.
A photo from open sources
Now notice, the researcher continues, this year’s snapshot of the same place taken by the company Bing (Microsoft system satellites). I specifically increased it to limit so that you can consider the main thing: an alien ship lies in the same place (still visible, but worse), but he strongly overgrown with lush vegetation of the Amazonian forest. This is perhaps the best-preserved alien ship on Earth, with desire and necessary financing it can be easily found and studied in place. But … Brazil is not up to UFOs, neither the leadership nor the scientists, judging in all, nobody needs it. It’s a pity that this “flying saucer” fell not in our taiga …
Second discovery: spaceship crashed on Mars
On Google Mars, you can easily find a photo, made by NASA’s orbiter around 2010 (its coordinates are 23.241966 °, -92.657607 °). Photo right away attracts attention and raises a natural question – what is it?
A photo from open sources
Near the crevice lies a cigar-shaped giant spaceship sizes (4 kilometers wide and 18 kilometers long) – just such as we are often shown alien ships in science fiction films.
In my opinion, Valentine notes, the condition of the ship ideal, and therefore we can assume that he just committed emergency landing on the Red Planet, why froze here forever and ever. However, we still do not understand how and what is there happened, we still do not get to this UFO, we won Amazon jungle where the “flying saucer” lies, quite possibly with of this starship, unable to reach: once, we have too much many everyday problems in the form of political strife, economic crises and outright wars. By the way, to doubt technogenic the origin of the mysterious object on Mars is not necessary – this too obvious.
Indeed, talking about some kind of para-idol illusion, favorite argument of skeptics and scientists, does not work. Moreover, there are no mountains or stones near the starship, so write off this UFO on the stone ruins is very difficult, the object lies too far Deserted location and excellently viewed. Disturb him here no one can, at least on the part of earthlings …