A photo from open sources
There are many versions about the motives for the assassination of US President John Kennedy in November 1963, but they all are approximate character: no reliable data on the background of the conspiracy. However in In recent years, documents have come to light that make special meaning in the American tragedy began to acquire the “UFO factor”. Kennedy seems to have been eliminated to prevent recognition the existence of other intelligent civilizations.
Secret dossiers
With a report on the plot against John F. Kennedy at the 15th Scientific of the ufological conference in Moscow, the main scientific Institute of USA and Canada, Doctor of Economics V.S. Vasiliev.
Vladimir Sergeyevich reminded the audience that in due time a group of American ufologists appealed to Barack Obama with an appeal declassify all information available to the government on the UFO issue. They did not receive a direct answer, but in February 2011 years on the websites of the National Security Agency (NSA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) declassified dossier containing materials related to the problems of UFOs.
The “ejection” of ufological dossiers through these two departments has become a complete surprise to American researchers. In the center of them The attention has traditionally been the US Department of Defense and Central intelligence agency (CIA) directly involved UFO, but by no means the NSA and the FBI. The fact of having an information base, related to UFOs, these two departments show that this subjects are constantly in the field of view of higher political US leadership. Although it is hardly worth hoping that published the most important documents.
An indirect confirmation of the relevance of the UFO problem in political life of the United States was a statement by J. Assange, the creator of the Wikileaks site, reporting that among the correspondence US Department of State with American diplomatic missions contain “important and interesting references” to UFO. Assange made clear that the most sensational materials Wikileaks are still waiting in the wings, acting as their guarantor personal safety in the event of a possible prosecution or even physical elimination. And until this data has become public domain.
Thus, both the Democratic and Republican parties of the United States still put “state secrets” above universal interests, and there is a lot of evidence. Among them is death Democratic President John F. Kennedy, tragedy with twin towers September 11, 2001 and other secrets.
UFO Trail
– Analysis of a number of documents that surfaced almost half a century after the assassination of D. Kennedy pushes me to conclude that events in Dallas are quite directly related to UFOs, says Vladimir Sergeevich. – I will remind you of one forgotten episode of the autumn of 1963 of the year.
On September 20, 1963, Kennedy addressed the General Assembly. UN with a sensational proposal to the Soviet Union – on a joint US-Soviet program of flight to the moon. Sensational ideas was that it was contrary to the American approach to US-Soviet relations over previous 20 years. The “cold war” with the USSR was in full swing, only the Caribbean missile crisis has recently been overcome; war in Vietnam, and suddenly – a grandiose program of joint flights to the moon … Not only specialists were at a loss US public who were not ready for such a turn events, but also the leadership of the Soviet Union. Nonetheless Secretary General N. S. Khrushchev agreed in principle to the participation of the USSR in joint US-Soviet flight to the moon.
However, two months later, Kennedy died.
The president’s initiative was soon forgotten, and only in 2009 in two declassified documents appeared in the open press, dated November 12, 1963. That is exactly 10 days before the death of John F. Kennedy.
The first document is a presidential directive for NASA director J. Webb with a request to prepare proposals for December 15 a joint US-Soviet program of landing a man on the moon. Somehow strange: Kennedy’s initiative has already been voiced at the General To the UN Assembly, and those from whom it was supposed to come, just received a task for its development and implementation. it as if the cart was placed in front of the horse.
The second document was even more surprising. He contained directive for CIA director John McCon to hold until February 1 1964 analysis of all secret CIA UFO dossiers and isolate facts reality of the phenomenon. That is, the attitude of senior management USA to UFOs as true events, not newspaper ducks, why all over the world have tried and are trying to reduce the problem of flying plates.
– What is the background of both directives? – argues Vladimir Sergeevich. – In danger of unintentional unleashing of a nuclear conflict between the USSR and the USA, provoked by a third party. IN In this case, a UFO. The fact is that the US Air Force clearly established one pattern: UFOs mainly come from the regions of the Arctic and there they leave. However, on radar screens it is difficult to distinguish UFOs from launching missiles by the enemy. They look alike, and even sometimes flying in a compact bundle of targets, as if launched one at a time teamwork. Many times the military raised the alarm about a nuclear attack, but the decision on retaliation rests solely with the president. And this – incredible responsibility to his people and to everything the world.
During the 1950s, the U.S. deployed three echelon of the NORAD system – early radar detection air targets from a possible enemy. System deployed primarily in areas of the Arctic Arctic, and also along the canadian-american border as the most probable direction of Soviet missile attacks. And the first serifs powerful locators showed that UFOs are real and difficult to distinguish from rockets. All this caused a nervous atmosphere in the White House. By it all turned out that we had to make contact with the Soviet side, to solve the problem of chance in starting a nuclear war. The Caribbean crisis was too memorable to allow again like that.
Kennedy apparently wanted to enter into negotiations with the USSR so that solve this problem. But everything rested on another serious question – UFO reality problem. Politicians have become hostages of their own neglect of UFOs, and hence the existence of other civilizations, whose devices calmly surf the airspace of the Earth, in spite of any earthly authorities and their military power.
Miracles behind the wall
– However, negotiations with the USSR meant one thing: you need to “crack”, you need recognize the UFO problem as genuine, which in itself is not easy, – argues Vasiliev. – It is clear that radars are not “buggy” and the military is not “plates” seem to be drunk, so if you want, you don’t want, but we must go on a dialogue with the Soviet leadership. But how could he go on negotiations with the Soviets by the President of the United States without notifying UFO factor your own people? Fantasies and “glitches” of the supreme US Commander-in-Chief? – it could cause an unpredictable reaction the public.
And John Kennedy went on a trip around the country, meaning not only the purpose of re-election for a repeated term. It was also no coincidence that Texas is selected – it is here that space and United States nuclear missile industry.
And soon shots rang out in Dallas …
– I have read many different documents about the assassination of President Kennedy, says Vladimir Sergeyevich. – fact the Kennedy conspiracy is today formally established. is he confirmed by a special commission of the House of Representatives of Congress USA in 1976. Analysis of the commission showed that shots were fired of the two rifles, therefore, there were two shooters. Everything was simply. Directly on the square in Dallas participated as at least four people. The analysis of films clearly recorded this. The woman on the side of the road raised her hand supposedly to correct the scarf when the president’s car caught up with her. After that person in the center of the crowd opened a black umbrella. It was a signal, and the president was taken under crossfire by arrows. Four shots were fired. However, the motivation for the killing remained incomprehensible. Outwardly, only one man won – vice president Lyndon Johnson. He became US President. However, to organize a murder in his native Texas … This suspicion hung over Johnson until his death. Unlikely it was fair.
Only the publication of some documents in recent years has shown the reality of another, unexpected, version of the murder is a connection with a UFO.
V. S. Vasiliev believes: this was not purely propaganda President’s trip. Texas – First and foremost, a leading space center USA. All Kennedy speeches in Houston and San Antonio contained mention of US space programs. Better place for the sensational message: “We are not alone!” – than Texas, in the country not. Apparently, the CIA leadership in Washington firmly knew or almost certainly believed that the president was preparing a sensational statement and that it was no coincidence that he went to Texas.
– On a map near Dallas is a large industrial and the military center is the city of Fort Worth, ”says Vasiliev. – This is the zone increased ufological activity. It was here that they were transported fragments of an unknown device from Roswell, and here for the first time were A survey of humanoids from a crashed UFO. If the president decided to make a statement about ufological danger, that place was chosen very thoughtfully. It’s clear that those people who knew about Kennedy’s initiative, wanted to stop his appeal at any cost. If he did, if he would appeal to the nation took place, and it was about extraterrestrial civilizations, – the course of the earth stories would change. The shots had one goal – to prevent Kennedy’s possible performance.
Kennedy spent the night in Fort Worth before visiting Dallas. Or in Dallas itself, or in Fort Worth, might sound sensational Kennedy message. Did not happen. Some powerful forces – most likely closely related to special services and with aliens – prevented this. The secret did not become apparent, and it was a substantive lesson many other rulers of the United States and other countries. Truth about true the nature of UFOs was not supposed to be born.
– Are there any hints of a possible sensationalism in the already voiced John Kennedy’s speeches? – I ask finally Vladimir Vasilieva.
– Yes there is. Firstly, the presidential texts contained, I would say, abnormal insertions and abnormal ambiguities. They are usually concerned the problems of space research. Secondly, there is a strange a hint of “miracles” in his speech in the military medical space Center in San Antonio. I will read this quote. Ending the speech Kennedy said: “Frank O’Connor, an Irish writer, tells in one of his books how, as a boy, he and his friends traveled through the countryside and when on their way they rested against the wall of the orchard, which seemed to be too high and made their further doubtful movement, they took off their hats and threw them over the wall. And then they had no choice but to follow them. Our country threw her hat on the space wall and we have no more no choice but to follow her. Whatever difficulties, they will be overcome. … With the support of all Americans, we safely and quickly climb this wall and begin to explore miracles on her other side. ”
This was one of John Kennedy’s last public speeches. what meant the president of the United States, talking about the miracles behind the wall, it remains unknown. Briefcase with his documents and abstracts after the killings disappeared without a trace. About the power of forces, on whose presence in US public life assassinated the head of the country, says that soon after the Dallas tragedy, about a hundred different kinds of people died witnesses and potential participants in the conspiracy. And soon followed by the assassination of Robert Kennedy, the president’s brother, who promised to continue the investigation of the conspiracy. Organizers and motives John F. Kennedy’s murders are not named and are not disclosed to this day.
Such obvious coordination indicates powerful alien networks in US power structures that seem to be so deeply embedded in all the “pores” of our society that able to control his development and motivation. Humanity is not only “not alone in the universe”, but we have long been “under the hood” extraterrestrial forces. The recent decision (11/11/2011) of Barack Obama is not breaking the “conspiracy of silence” around the UFO is understandable, for there is always a risk for presidents who have “crossed the line” to die – in this case, almost according to the Kennedy assassination scenario, in on the eve of the presidential election, when Obama firmly decided re-elected for a second term.
Finally, let’s say that the problem of UFO recognition on screens locators was soon successfully resolved by both Soviet and American military engineers. False missile attacks went into past.
Gennady Belimov
Barack Obama War Life Crisis Moon Rocket USSR USA