The cat came into the house – what will the omen say?

A common sign says: if a cat comes into the house, only pleasant events are expected. At the same time, you cannot drive the animal away, otherwise you can frighten off luck. People say that a fluffy guest is nailed to the house for a reason, and if you pay attention to his color and behavior, you can learn about the events that will occur in the near future. The cat came to the house You cannot drive the animal away, otherwise you can frighten off luck

What does an unfamiliar cat come to a house?

If we talk about what the prodigal cat comes to the house, then the signs can interpret this event in different ways.

  • According to the opinion of many peoples of the world, the animal brings good luck, prosperity and peace with it to the house.
  • It is believed that cats are very sensitive to the influence of negative energy currents and often come to homes where residents are in danger. And if you open the door to the purr and shelter him, he will cleanse the home of negativity, and in the future will protect it from ill-wishers.
  • In the sign that came to us from India, it is said that someone else's cat, nailed to the house, is a harbinger of an imminent wedding or replenishment in the family.
  • When an animal comes to a house in which there is a sick person, then the mustachioed guest must certainly be fed and left with him. In this case, a sign promises a speedy recovery.
  • If a cat comes into the house after someone's death, then special attention should be paid to this. The sign says that in this way the soul of the deceased makes itself felt. In this case, it is also recommended to shelter a fluffy guest, at least to distract from sad thoughts.

In general, when cats are nailed to the house, they try to immediately choose their owner. It becomes a person whose room an animal enters. At the same time, the omen says that a fluffy guest brings news of imminent changes in life to his new owner.

the cat came to the house Cats often come to homes where residents are in danger

Cat color

The cat has come into the house – pay attention to the color of its fur. The color will largely determine what is worth preparing for in the near future.

The black

A black cat is a good sign. He brings joy and good news with him into the house. If you feed the prodigal purr properly and keep it with you, then it will definitely become a reliable amulet. The black cat will protect the house from damage, evil eye, troubles and misfortunes. With its appearance, the home will be cleansed of negative energy, filled with a positive aura and a friendly atmosphere.

Signs also promise that the presence of such a pet will positively affect all your plans and undertakings, and you will be able to complete old things in the best possible way. Besides, the black cat is a real money magnet.


If a ginger cat comes into the house, a sign promises a sunny mood. A purr in a fiery fur coat will protect the home from robbers and attract good people. She is able to save you from financial problems: the appearance of such a pet in the house promises a quick promotion and, as a result, an increase in income.

If you take good care of your new mustachioed friend and feed him well, then, according to popular belief, you will please your ancestors. Plus, red cats have powerful energy, and if your guest also has green eyes, he is guaranteed to fill the house with love and well-being.

A ginger cat will reward its ginger-haired mistress with happiness, and a sunny cat will make the red-haired owner's house a full bowl.

Gray cat A gray cat, nailed to a home, promises good luck in his personal life


The gray cat is the personification of love and tenderness. For example, in Thailand, such animals are usually presented for a wedding – this promises newlyweds happiness in family life and eternal flame in the hearth. Signs say that a gray cat, nailed to a home, promises good luck in his personal life, and therefore you can safely open the door in front of such a guest.

In addition, gray cats do an excellent job with the role of a talisman. They will protect your home from the evil eye, block the path of ill-wishers and help in current affairs.


It is considered a great success if a white cat comes to the house. Such an animal is regarded as a real talisman. With the appearance of a mustachioed guest in a snow-white fur coat, success comes to a person's home, and he will touch absolutely all areas of life.

These cats have tremendous healing power and will quickly drive away all ailments. And if at some point you feel that your energy is running out and you are deprived of strength, just put a light kitten next to you – it will quickly relieve tension and charge you with cheerfulness.

However, it should be remembered that white cats are not suitable for disorganized people, in whose affairs chaos constantly reigns. First, you need to adjust the course of your life and only then take a snow-white pet into the house.


Tricolor cat – symbolizes happiness. This is the most generous pet that will fill the house of its new owner with positive and favorable events. With its appearance, the relationship between households will improve, the family will become strong, and the income will be high and stable. Do not refuse a straying guest – he will give you a lot of positive emotions.

someone else's cat in the house When cats are nailed to the house, they try to immediately choose their owner.

Pregnant cat

If you dream of replenishing your family and at that moment a pregnant cat appeared at the doorstep of your house, this is a sign from above that your prayers have been answered. The sign recommends giving the guest shelter and how to take care of her. Provide her with a comfortable birth and give the kittens into good hands. In this case, the happiness you have dreamed of for so long awaits you.

Signs by month

If a stray or someone else's cat has nailed to your house, then signs are also advised to look into the calendar. The month and time of year will help you figure out why this happened and what events should be expected.

  • If a furry guest appears on the doorstep in January, get ready for new acquaintances. This event hints at the fact that you are leading a very withdrawn lifestyle. It's time to expand your social circle and meet your friends more often.
  • In February, the prodigal cat brings positive change with it. By opening the door for him, you let new events into your home. Moreover, the changes can be both minimal, for example, the rearrangement of furniture, and quite significant: the birth of a child or a trip to another country.
  • The cat came to your house in March – a whirlwind romance will happen soon. You will meet someone with whom you can experience new emotions, or refresh your current relationship.
  • A mustachioed guest arriving in April will bring energy to life. The pet will daily nourish you with strength and show the way to new achievements. This, of course, will add hassle, but they will turn out to be very productive and will definitely take life to the next level.
  • In May, the cat comes to the house that is in danger of misfortune. She warns the owners of the approaching danger. This can be an unreasonable waste of money, the intrigues of ill-wishers or an impending robbery. In order to protect and preserve your property, signs are advised to rub your wallet on the wool of an animal that has come.
  • If someone else's cat came to the house in June, it means that there are unnecessary people in life. It's time to break the ties that have outlived themselves and make new useful contacts. By the way, some people can disappear from your life on their own, and your new pet will expose them. Do not be upset: it means that you did not need them.
  • July cats are excellent healers. Moreover, they heal not only the body, but also the soul. Having sheltered an animal, you will drive away all ailments and get rid of depression. And if a new pet lies on your things, it will restore their positive energy, which will have a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the whole house.
  • A cat that arrived at the house in August will provide reliable protection from evil spirits and evil spirits. He will maintain a friendly atmosphere and help improve your financial situation.
  • If you find a stray animal on your doorstep in September. Signs promise that he will be an excellent hunter. His sharp claws will contain not only mice, but also bad thoughts, because, as you know, they also cause a lot of troubles. The new pet will make sure that all corners of life are cleared of unnecessary trash, and the emotional mood is again at its best.
  • October cats are able to ward off adversity. Such a visit becomes a reminder: it's time to rethink your way of life and pay special attention to personal relationships. Otherwise, serious changes are possible: moving to a new place of residence, divorce, new large debts, etc.
  • If a cat comes into the house in November, then this is a direct hint that you should be more attentive to your soulmate. There is a high likelihood of temptation or love spell. If the strayed animal is black, be sure to take it in. Such a cat is guaranteed to protect your relationship.
  • The cat arrived in December – this is an indication that you or your loved ones may have problems. And they will appear due to the imposed opinion. You should not be led by dubious individuals.

And remember the main thing – if you do decide to shelter a stray cat, then no accidents can disrupt your way of life. And if the changes are still destined to happen, then they will be extremely positive.

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