The first group contact of earthlings with aliens

The first group contact of earthlings with aliensPhoto from open sources

As an ordinary layman represents the official contact of earthlings with aliens? As described in science fiction books. It or a meeting like greetings to astronauts returning from space (Soviet science fiction), or interstellar wars of the worlds (American fantasy). Meanwhile, such contacts have long existed, here they just happen very differently.

We will not go into philosophical arguments that the very first alien contacts, apparently, took place in a deep antiquity, or rather – in the distant youth of our planet. However, until now, people, for the most part, are confident that the Earth with intelligent inhabitants on it – the only one in the entire universe. About the level of consciousness of our civilization can be judged even by the fact that quite recently (and what is several centuries by standards universal time) we thought that this Sun revolves around Earth, not the other way around. Then we still burned scientists at the stake and psychics (in general, all gifted people), and therefore most of all succeeded in destroying their own kind, than, sadly, still doing – and even proud of it. And while contacts with for some reason, we represent the alien mind as a meeting of equals consciousnesses. Isn’t it naive? ..

A photo from open sources

Pioneering Alien Intelligence Contact

On this occasion, I want to recall the Kazakhstan meeting with aliens, which took place in the summer of 1979, and which some ufologists, based on the opinion of, for example, vice president Ufological Union of the Russian Federation Anatoly Listratov, consider the first collective contact of earthlings with an alien mind.

It happened in the pioneer camp “Birch”, located in Turgay region, near the secret Soviet town Derzhavinsky. By the way, this pioneer camp mainly served military children working in a closed zone.

Children that evening traditionally lit a pioneer bonfire after dinner, not far from the camp – near the hill, well, to this light and the humanoids who arrived from another galaxy “subjugated”. Children, Of course, they got scared to death and rushed to the camp, they remember only had time that they were tall very strange looking creatures dressed in some skirts or the widest belts that, like the humanoids themselves, they constantly changed color. Moved around aliens, as if blind, arms extended. Humanoids followed running away children, but walked slowly and therefore lagged behind.

A little later, doing an evening tour of the camp, one of these the aliens were met by a pioneer leader who saw him on the trail. A humanoid was sitting on a chair accidentally left by one of the children on street, and looked at the girl with terrible red eyes. It is them and the stranger’s still huge growth was mainly remembered by that one.

Since the children immediately told their parents about it – KGB officers arrived in the camp, some commotion, and information about contact with aliens, in the end, leaked to the local newspaper Turgai nov, responsible whose secretary P.I.Zhukovsky even published a drawing humanoids made by him according to eyewitnesses.

A photo from open sources

Later, even the popular at that time wrote about this incident. magazine of all-Union significance “Technique of youth”, and ufologist Anatoly Listratov went to the place and talked with the guys, counselors, the military who witnessed an alien contact or even somehow involved in this strange story.

As the researcher later says, this was the first group contact earthlings with aliens, and it happened on June 26, 1979. Remember this date.

Alien liked only kurt

Kazakhstan shepherd Sagynbai one summer night woke up from some fantastic glow outside the window. Lightning is not lightning, but something terrible was happening on the street, but there were only thunder Can not hear. A man saddled a horse and went to inspect the steppe, because he noticed that something fiery fell near him camps. In the steppe, he found a crater in which he stood very large metal disc. The shepherd is confused and not knew what to do. To approach this silver “plate” he was afraid.

A photo from open sources

Suddenly a man came out of this strange “egg”, not a man, but some creature similar to us, with gray skin and very thin in physique. This subhuman, according to the shepherd, was clearly shell-shocked or stunned by the fall, so the Kazakh herder put him on horse and drove home. There he first decided to feed him and ordered his wife to cook their favorite beshbarmak (lamb with noodles). The humanoid treat took and ate, however, only noodles from meat he refused.

Later the alien ate various dishes of Kazakh cuisine, especially for some reason he liked kurt (a fermented milk product), always from meat refused. For several days the humanoid lived with a shepherd in the hayloft, I learned to play cards and drafts with a shepherd, and somehow was able, in the opinion of Sagynbay and his wife, to tell them that he needlessly, silently, with only thoughts. The alien disappeared on June 26, 1979 years, soon rumors spread around the district that local pioneers met some aliens. Probably, says Sagynbai, these humanoids flew after their comrade, well, and took him. A sorry, was a good partner for the evening game of checkers, and ate completely like a child to feed this – well, it cost nothing …


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