The guard photographed a “flying saucer” on Sino-Russian border

The guard photographedA photo from open sources

To the guard of the remote railway station Dayantsi at the border China and Russia managed to capture a strange security camera UFO flying over the tracks in the evening.

The most amazing thing is that a mysterious unidentified object looked like a stereotypical “flying saucer” from old sci-fi films. Chinese wishing to remain anonymous to The Internet public does not know what to think about it. is he writes:

I saw it with my own eyes, so it will be difficult for me convince yourself that there was nothing there. At about 20:10 I noticed some strange glow in the sky. I didn’t suspect at first nothing was amiss and decided to consider this radiance on the system monitor security. Then I suddenly realized that it wasn’t street a lamp or a reflection of light from a helicopter. We have in the northeast of China constantly watching UFOs, but in my practice this is the first such happening. I showed the record to the authorities, but I was politely asked not to worry about this, why I do not call my name …

Ufologists who carefully studied the amazing video admitted her genuine. According to many of them, it was an unmanned UFO relatively small size performed for aliens intelligence function. It is possible that the “green men” spied on station activities or studied the border between two large states. No wonder that representatives are considered extraterrestrial civilizations are intensely interested in terrestrial geopolitics. They became especially active in the Far East in connection with aggravation of relations between the USA and North Korea, especially since this conflict involved Russia, China, Japan and South Korea …

China Russia

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