The image of the Virgin was photographed in a cloud

The image of the Virgin was photographed in the cloudPhotos from open sources of

The devout resident of the Kingdom of Tonga in Polynesia claims that he managed to photograph the image of the Virgin in the sky.

A few days ago, forty-seven-year-old Joey Mateil noticed a lonely cloud that hung low above the ground and somehow glowed magically in the rays of the setting sun. Man with surprise found that it resembles the figure of the Blessed Virgin in full growth. Without thinking twice, an eyewitness took out his mobile phone and photographed this heavenly miracle.

In the picture below you can really see cloud with clear female outlines. Ephemeral Lady’s Head tilted to one side, just like the Mother of God on the icons. In a word, Mateil actually managed to capture something on the video amazing – the mysterious cloud is very reminiscent of the Virgin Mary.

An amazing photo was taken earlier this month over Brother Joey’s home on Tongatapu Island.

A photo from open sources

According to the author of the picture, a clear contour of the head, body and legs Virgin Mary, as well as the golden radiance of the cloud instantly forced him to believe that this is a sign from above, and not an optical illusion.

Joey writes: “This image in the sky was very unexpected for me, and I realized that this did not happen by chance, this is a real miracle in my life. Thank you, Lord, for all that you have provided me and my family. ”

It should be noted that heavenly visions of this type, which many researchers consider the peculiar manifestations of higher forces that give us mortals some signs – the phenomenon is not so rare and most often – not accidental. Sometimes such signs are so clearly fantastic and frank that cause real awe souls and even mystical horror. In this case, the appearance of the Virgin Mary, it can be said light and transparent, which can be believed far not every…

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