The ISS astronaut shielded the camera lens with his hand, which “caught” a UFO

The ISS astronaut shielded the camera lens with his hand, whichA photo from open sources

World ufologists are continuously watching live streaming from International Space Station in the hope that the lens webcams will hit another unidentified flying object or any other anomaly. So UFO hunters announced a new slight sensation. According to experts, in sight the recording device on the ISS turned out to be a bright “flying plate. “However, immediately afterwards something happened unexpected. An astronaut outside the orbital station deliberately blocked the camera lens with his hand in a thick gloved hand.

This video was received by ufologists on February 18. Researchers are convinced that spacewalk a navigator noticed a white object moving away on a large speed, and simply covered it with his hand from the audience. They say from the outside it may seem that this happened by accident, however, in fact it is a deliberate act of concealment from public information about aliens. So intriguing the development of events made conspiracy theorists again talk about that astronauts are well aware of the existence of extraterrestrial forms of life.

A photo from open sources

The mighty of this world, they say, force explorers to keep this information in secret and prevent its leak. At least, so many theorists believe. Skeptics claim that in frame got some piece of space debris, and on the movement it didn’t affect the astronaut. Doubters believe that a mysterious light object moved too fast in Earth’s orbit, so that the person in the spacesuit can react to the appearance the alleged starship of the “green men”. Anyway, the mystery of this UFO still continues to occupy the thoughts of many ufologists.

Was there a “boy”, that is, a UFO?

For example, the most meticulous of them began to figure out which of ISS astronauts could go into space at this time. Most likely could be the maintenance of the Canadarm 2 manipulator, this particular they planned to carry out the operation somewhere in mid-February American Mark Wande Hai and Japanese Norishige Kanai. However it is not more than speculation, since officially such an exit in deep space has not yet been confirmed anywhere.

It is no coincidence that many Internet users were found theoreticians who generally don’t believe that the ISS is on orbit the Earth, and not in some pavilion of the American Hollywood It was such an assumption that the famous ufologist Scott Waring – and he has many supporters. If so, then instead of a UFO, in this case there could be something incriminating station, that is, proving that it is on Earth, and that’s I had to hurriedly cover the camera with my hand. If it turns out that this no spacecraft astronauts left spacewalks – proof of the fictitious existence of the station itself in orbit on the face…

ISS Time Scott Waring

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