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The fact that we live in some kind of virtual reality, artificially created by someone, many scientists think and even ordinary people with increased awareness. Probably not by chance there was an artistic embodiment of this conjecture in the movie “Matrix”.
Therefore, the evolutionary task of man, as he once said founder of integral yoga Sri Aurobindo, to become not spiritual, as religions of all stripes call us, and more consciously, that is expand your vision and perception of this world, but practically – break out of this matrix.
A photo from open sources
But who imposed this matrix on us, and is humanity always was in it? It turns out – no. According to the researchers this phenomenon, including the famous British scientist David Ike, our civilization has fallen into this position somewhat millennia ago when the enslavement of the alien earth began a reptilian race (this is stated in legends and beliefs almost all peoples of the world). These conquerors knew very well that the most an effective way to subjugate people’s consciousness to yourself is to limit im perception of the possible. And they did it with the help of the moon, which is an artificial satellite, or more precisely – a huge base of reptilians and a kind of portal for moving in the Universe.
The lunar matrix turns into an obedient herd
Moon, as David Ike claims (for more details, see fragment of his video lecture below), this is not a celestial body like us Orthodox scholars convince since childhood. First, all theories about its natural origin do not stand up to criticism: the moon simply could not have formed in this form and quality near the Earth. Secondly, flights to it and some experiments showed that the moon hollow, which also does not fit into the concept of a natural satellite. IN third, the moon behaves completely unnatural for space body, very much programmed, not to mention the same in the depths of her craters, the material of which she consists (mainly from titanium), invulnerability to attacks of asteroids and many others, phenomena completely inexplicable to a natural satellite.
A photo from open sources
The moon, “delivered” to the Earth by reptilians, first destroyed advanced civilization on our planet since this huge the ship shifted the poles on it, turned the axis of the planet in certain goals and caused those planetary disasters that are also described in many traditions and religions (for example, the global flood in Christianity). All this also distorted the wave information the structure of the earthly world so that the inhabitants on it fell into the moon the matrix, that is, became enslaved, on the one hand, to a limited perception of reality, and on the other – by the collective mind, turned earthlings into an obedient herd.
The lunar matrix robbed us of the “third eye”
This, says David Ike, was facilitated by several others. the transformations that the reptilians carried out, they are also Anunaki. Firstly, they disconnected the consciousness of earthlings from the energy field Earth, having built numerous megalithic structures (for example, far from the Egyptian pyramids), which suppress this field, thereby enhancing the energy impact on earthlings by The moon. So, for this reason, our “third eye” has closed, due to which sharply limited the perception of reality. Secondly, conducted genetic work by creating a reticular (reptilian) brain a person who satisfactorily perceived the lunar matrix.
A photo from open sources
That’s how earthlings were sent to virtual slavery prison, where reigns fear, hatred, betrayal, greed, envy, debauchery, gloom and others are far from human, but imposed on us by the moon matrix of vices. That is how the conquest of worlds in A universe that is far from our concept of stellar wars.
By the way, the natural question begs: why is this needed? reptilians? It turns out they feed on negative energy earthlings, that is, the energy of fear, sorrow and suffering. That’s why they it is necessary that earthlings constantly killed each other, as much as possible suffered and lived in constant fear.
It’s hard to break out of the lunar matrix, but you can
Unfortunately, this process of human degradation continues until still at least reptilian aliens are doing everything the best to make us a completely submissive herd of slaves. However, they do not succeed, because they are few, and earthlings – billions. That’s why they bear and carry out all new and new wars, economic crises and other disasters on our head, thereby reducing the number of earthlings, on the one hand, and with another – settling in their minds more and more fear and vices.
A photo from open sources
Therefore, the main task for each person remains – to become a more conscious person, which means taking control of perception of the world. However, each person is endowed with God freedom of choice. Probably, everyone who was born on Earth is not by chance driven into this prison, and whoever likes to live here can reborn in a similar matrix to infinity. Because if even on Earth something will change, then, for sure, in the Universe there is other similar worlds under the control of reptilians or the like.
Universe Life in a matrix moon pyramids reptilians