In ancient beliefs, the elephant talisman is especially powerful. The tradition of regularly wearing the amulet came from India, where the animal is considered the personification of wisdom and goodness. The meanings of the magical item will flow from this concept of the savannah giant.
An ambiguous symbol so powerful that it will change the life of anyone. The main thing is to use it correctly, directing the flow of energy to the desired field of activity.
The meaning of an elephant in Feng Shui
In Feng Shui, an elephant is a symbol of knowledge. A person possessing such a magical object will be able to assimilate large amounts of information in a short time. The great sages left recommendations on where to place the amulet, depending on its characteristics and the desired result.
- The pink elephant amulet allows you to concentrate all energy on analytical work, activates those areas of the brain that are responsible for mathematical calculations and logic. A person will be able to perform complex calculations, quickly memorize formulas. If you place such a symbol in the office, it will be easier to find reasonable connections between two and whiter events.
- Red is a symbol of wisdom. Such an elephant will become a talisman for people who were able to start their own business. Business will flourish because the leader of the company is smart about solving problems. Regardless of the field of activity of the entrepreneur, his actions will be deliberate, and the chance of an oversight will decrease several times.
- According to the laws of Feng Shui, the yellow or golden giant of the savannah attracts lucrative work to the worker's life. From the moment such a talisman appears on the desktop, labor will bring double income. Regardless of the situation on the market, a person will receive expensive orders, which will allow to narrow the circle of customers, increasing wages.
- A multi-colored elephant is useful for a creative person in the house. The amulet will have a positive effect on inspiration. The creator himself will notice how the originality of his creations has increased. Moreover, impulses of inspiration will appear regularly, the created works of art will attract new customers, which will have a positive effect not only on popularity, but also on earnings.
- The black amulet of the Indian Great Elephant will help to think over the moves during complex and lengthy work. If a person is faced with the task of creating a plan for a large-scale project, then such a magical thing will become a guide. Having compiled an algorithm of actions, the leader, together with a team of like-minded people, will be able to achieve the goal without violating the deadlines.
- Feng Shui followers believe that the gray giant symbolizes rapid career growth. When considering options for work, a person will opt for those proposals that will show the employee to the advantage of the party. This will attract the attention of the superiors, and the individual will be promoted after several manifestations during the work.
- If a doubt arose among colleagues about the honesty of an employee, it is worth buying a white amulet. Such an elephant, symbolizing purity and truthfulness, will help protect your reputation from slander. Each of the envious and enemies will be convinced of the sincerity of the person. The ill-wishers will have no reason for bad words.
- An elephant painted in different colors indicates good luck in business. Thanks to the smile of fortune, a person will be able not to make significant efforts in their activities. Achievements will become regular, work will be even. This will allow you to save strength and energy, as well as give up exhausting work.
Trunk up
An elephant with a raised trunk allows a person to be inspired with hope. His gaze will be directed to heaven, to the most daring dreams, which will allow him to quickly restore motivation, even defeat or slander of others will not stop him on the way to the goal.
Elephant with a raised trunk allows a person to be inspired by hope
If you force a study in an apartment with such amulets, then family members will also have self-confidence and determination. A talisman in the office will add confidence to the company.
The trunk is down
If the elephant's trunk is lowered, then a person can accumulate a large amount. The ability to save will be added to the success in professional activity, which means that it will be possible not only to earn, but also to save finances.
How to activate the talisman
To activate the maximum energy of the Great Elephant, it is necessary that someone donate the amulet. Then a person will possess a magical thing that no one has yet managed to taint with greed.
To activate the maximum energy of the Great Elephant, it is necessary that someone donate an amulet
If no one wants to give a figurine, then you can purchase it yourself. However, then the flow of positive influence will not be as abundant.
Amulet values
In general, the Indian elephant helps a person to concentrate his strength on one or several tasks, as well as to do the right thing, pondering further consequences. The narrower meaning of the amulet often depends on the owner himself.
In order to designate yourself what the elephant will be a symbol of, you need to whisper your desires in the statuette's right ear, and your fears in the left ear during the first day. Then the magic item will help in the fulfillment of precisely these dreams.
Elephant amulet
Elephant as a symbol in India also means calmness and harmony. This perception of the sacred animal also influenced the areas of life that the figurine in the shape of a giant savannah will touch.
- A small souvenir is a symbol of calmness and small wealth. His energy will be directed towards strengthening the person's family, as well as increasing the family's budget. Not only the owner of the amulet, but also close relatives will feel the positive influence of ancient magic.
- A figurine from 4 to 8 centimeters will help a person to strengthen his position on the career ladder. Having achieved success, the employee will be able to preserve what has been achieved, which will have a positive effect not only on further professional success, but also on the sphere of money.
- A large amulet will help to establish business in all areas of activity. It is especially recommended for aspiring entrepreneurs. If you put such a powerful amulet, then you won't have to defend your position in the world market for a long time.
Expert Opinion Ilmira Derbentseva Parapsychologist The Indian elephant is an amazing symbol that combines the wisdom of the ancients and modern trends. In Feng Shui, you should pay attention to the color before buying.
The observations of experienced Buddhists will tell you where it is better to place the figurine. And the aspirations of the person himself will allow you to direct energy in the right direction, narrowing the sphere of influence.
Over time, the talisman will become even closer to the owner, thanks to which his desires will be fulfilled faster, and what has been achieved will be fixed in the life of the individual for a long time. All this allows the Great Indian Elephant to be relevant to this day.