The Star of David is a very ancient symbol – it has many meanings and interpretations in various religions and cultures. Similar symbolism was found on ancient artifacts and it is still not known exactly when and with what its initial appearance was connected.
Most often, the seal is depicted in the form of a circle, inside which there are two interconnected triangles, representing a star with six ends.
Before purchasing an amulet in the form of a Star of David, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself in more detail with its meaning, the rules for wearing or creating a talisman.
Star of David in different cultures
The Star of David is a world symbol and has many names – Magendovid, David's Shield, Solomon's Seal or Hexagram. Each culture or country has its own options for decoding the meaning of a six-pointed star:
- India. In ancient times, this talisman denoted the destructive power of Kali and the generative power of Shiva. In modern society, the interpretation has changed and represents the unity of good and evil, man and God, male and female principles. And also another popular Indian interpretation of the star is noted – the image of the love chakra.
- Freemasonry. Among the Masons, the Star of David symbolized life experience.
- Near East. The symbolism was the personification of the white lily.
- Sumerians. The star, which has six rays, referred to the goddess Ishtar, who was the patroness of war and carnal pleasures.
- Israel. In Judaism, Jews are considered a nation superior to others. In a star, an upward-looking triangle characterizes the superiority of mind and strength, and a downward-looking figure in Jews denotes weak and stupid people without willpower.
- Islam. For Muslims, the sign of David meant not only the simultaneous striving of the human soul for the earthly and the divine, but also wealth or protection from harm.
For alchemists, the six-pointed star symbolized the philosopher's stone and was a sign of immortality. The most ancient explanation of the sign in many countries is the personification of all the elements or the four cardinal points.
Significance in Christianity
In addition to Jewish culture, the sign in question is often found in Christianity. It is often called the star of the Creator, since it symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem, which showed the way to the birthplace of the Messiah.
The image was fixed in the mosaic of Orthodox churches and symbolized the struggle of God with the Devil, as well as the unity of human and divine forces.
In addition, Christians saw in the star a model of the universe, due to the fact that the Earth was created precisely in six days. However, there were also those who were wary of this image, since they associated it with the number of the beast due to the presence of six sides and corners in the figure.
Meaning in magic
Sorcerers regularly wear Magendovid during magic rituals – it helps to accumulate and store energy.
For magicians, the hexagram is a symbol of the fusion of the physical body with the spirit. Fortune-tellers and clairvoyants should always keep the Star of David with them – it will protect against the attacks of dark forces, and prevent invisible creatures from trying to capture the consciousness of the medium without his consent.
In the Kabbalistic teachings, the following decoding of the six triangles is given: severity, glory, beauty, power, infinity and grace. All these features are combined in the center and make up a single whole.
Who should wear the talisman and how does it help
You can wear the Star of David as a charm in the form of a pendant, ring or pendant – it will protect you from the evil eye, damage or love spell, and will also help to avoid premature death.
Expert opinion Ilmira Derbentseva Parapsychologist It is allowed to make such a talisman from any material, but it is recommended to give preference to silver – this metal protects the owner as much as possible from the surrounding negativity and fills him with energy.
And it is also allowed to embroider symbols on clothes, household items or bedding.
The hexagram, regardless of gender or age, helps to find harmony with the world and activates hidden abilities. The main benefits of regularly wearing the Star of David:
- gaining self-confidence;
- purification of consciousness, he of negative thoughts;
- preventing energy loss;
- finding contact with people around.
The amulet in the shape of a six-pointed star will help attract good luck, strengthen health and protect against various adversities. For maximum effect, you need to hold the talisman in your hands every day, while it is important to think about your goals or dreams. There is no need to wait for the fulfillment of your desires in a short time – everything planned will come true gradually.
Do not forget that the constant wearing of the talisman saturates it with extraneous energy, therefore it is recommended to leave the symbol in water with salt for a day for cleaning every six months.
What does the Star of David tattoo mean?
The image of a hexagonal star is most often applied to an arm, chest or leg. The sailors betrayed great importance to the Star of David tattoo, especially on the eve of dangerous voyages – it was believed that this symbol helped to avoid shipwrecks and return home unharmed.
Preserved with my own hands on days of the week
When making an amulet yourself, you should adhere to a number of rules:
- create a talisman on any day of the week, except Saturday;
- the moon must be in the growing phase;
- when applying a symbol to metal, it is important to be in a good mood and to imagine how the plan is being implemented.
Each day of the week carries a certain meaning to the guard sign:
- Monday – success in work, promotion. The recommended base for the blank is silver.
- Tuesday – Longevity and general health improvement. The metal used in the manufacture is iron.
- Wednesday – revealing hidden talents and strengthening the gift of foreboding. The best base is platinum, silver and aluminum.
- Thursday – will be a wonderful talisman and assistant in all endeavors for volunteers and people who have devoted their lives to charity. The optimal metal is tin.
- Friday – will help creative individuals achieve success in all endeavors. The sign must be made on copper.
- Sunday – contributes to the rapid achievement of goals. The best metal is gold.
To solve existing problems, you can make a temporary amulet. To do this, you need to depict the symbolism on cardboard or paper, immerse the drawing in wax and wait for it to dry completely. When applying a symbol, it is important to be alone with yourself and fully concentrate on what you want.
You should not use David's amulet for people with a weakened psyche or harmful addictions, in dark magic, as well as for doing evil – the amulet will feel this and turn its power against you.