Any person can find himself in such a life situation when he lacks earthly strength. Then he has to turn to the Higher Mind or God. Some people use magic.
The amazing amulet Star of Ertsgamma is a powerful energy tool that works wonders, allows you to solve problems, find a way out of difficult situations. And all this happens by opening the owner's internal reserves.
The meaning of the symbol of the star of Ertsgamma
The sign itself is a rotating isosceles triangle. This rotation symbolizes the unification of the soul, strength and capabilities of a person. This fusion reveals the secret of the universe, shows human strength and power.
Expert Opinion Kanti Gauri Karmologist, parapsychologist Erzgamma in the language of the Copts (the first Christians) means the light of truth, hidden in the harmony of twelve rays or twelve-ray harmony. Erts is twelve, and gamma is harmony.
The symbol is a twelve-pointed star, from the twelve rays of which 4 triangles with equal sides are obtained. These figures convey the essence of a person, denote the elements:
- A triangle with the apex directed upwards means the element of fire and the connection between man and space.
- The downward pointing triangle symbolizes the connection to the earth.
- The triangle 'looking' to the left means a person's connection with the past and the element of air.
- The triangle 'looking' to the right reflects the connection between man and the future and the element of water.
Crossing triangles are passions and temptations that lead the individual astray.
In the center of the Star of Ertsgamma there is a cross, which gives the sign the meaning of the death and resurrection of Christ.
Amulet meaning
The amulet helps a person in finding a path in life, feeds its owner with energy, thanks to which the owner of the talisman is always cheerful and in a good mood.
This star:
- good luck talisman;
- protection from external troubles such as conflicts, quarrels, deception, betrayal;
- a talisman against the effects of otherworldly forces, preventing the evil eye, damage, energy vampirism;
- assistant in a quick recovery.
The talisman allows you to relieve emotional excitement, overcome your own weaknesses, and resist temptations.
The meaning of the Star of Ertsgamma symbol differs among Semites, Hindus, Christians. The oldest sign is found among the Celts and in the north of China, but its exact meaning has been lost.
The Christian Church interprets this ancient symbol in its own way. In Orthodoxy, 12 rays are 12 apostles. The cross is the place of the crucifixion of Christ, symbolizes life after death. Therefore, the whole symbol contains the healing and the sacrament of the Cross, the strengthening of the Spirit and the connection with the Lord.
According to legend, it was the star of Ertsgamma that first appeared in the sky at the time of the birth of Christ.
Of course, the connection between the Star and Christianity is fictitious. The symbol appeared long before the emergence of the Christian religion. And the Slavic peoples, moreover, have nothing to do with the star of Ertsgamma. The sign was adapted to the Christian culture from more ancient religious and philosophical teachings.
Nevertheless, the symbol is depicted on some icons. For example, on the icon of Tenderness, there is the star of Ertsgamma. It is located on the forehead and shoulders of the Mother of God.
If you look closely at the amulet, you can see that the two Stars of David are superimposed on each other. This sign symbolizes the unity and opposition of the feminine and masculine, heaven and earth, the Lord and earthly man. Such a talisman protects its owner from any negativity directed against him.
In the East, due to external similarity, this symbol is associated with the human energy center, which is located in the middle of the chest (it is called the Anahata chakra). You need to wear the star exactly so that it is located in this place. As a result, the heart chakra, which establishes a connection between the soul and the body, will be activated, and the person will begin to feel and understand the world more deeply.
Geometric shapes in symbols reflect the laws of energy movement:
- The triangle demonstrates the law of manifestation of spirit in matter.
- The circle shows the totality and maturation of human qualities.
- The solstice symbolizes the addition of potential, the endless process of acquiring and assimilating new experience, which is then fixed in knowledge.
- Star rays (tops of triangles) mean 12 qualities of the heart, 12 virtues.
In addition to these figures, other signs are enclosed in the star of Ertsgamma, for example, a pentagram and a trident.
The rays of the star have a specific meaning. The upper ray is the soul. Further clockwise: wisdom, paradox, logos, awareness, experience, sins or mistakes, time, body, life or being, repentance, faith.
How to use the amulet
To get rid of ailments, you need to conduct rituals with the Star of Ertsgamma. This should be done in the evening by candlelight. All electrical appliances in the vicinity must be turned off. The essence of the ritual: the talisman is brought to the sore spot and held until heat appears, then the amulet is led around the problem area for 3 minutes clockwise.
You can remotely influence the person who needs to be cured. To do this, put a talisman on the patient's photo and wrap everything together in a canvas cloth, then hide the bundle in a secluded place for 7 days.
To improve vision, they hold the amulet at eye level and look around all the rays 12 times, moving first clockwise, and then 12 times in the opposite direction.
After the rituals for healing, the Star must be freed from the negative collected by it. To do this, the amulet is placed in a glass of tap water and placed in the freezer. After 12 hours, the glass is taken out, and the water is thawed and poured into the sewer.
The easiest way to attract good luck with a star is to wear it all the time. A pendant or pendant should be worn over clothing (it is desirable that the amulet be hidden from prying eyes). The thing should be in the center of the chest. The star can be placed on a brooch or bracelet.
If you hang the Star of Ertsgamma above the front door or in a conspicuous place in the living room, the amulet will serve as a home amulet.
With the help of the talisman, the Star of Ertsgamma, you can get rid of the disease, solve various problems, and accidents will bypass you. You will be protected from other people's evil thoughts. You will understand how to independently build your happy future, you will find your purpose.
She will bring you good luck and luck in everything. The burden of your problems will subside, you will get rid of fear and uncertainty, money will be added, true love will come, your cherished desires will begin to come true.