The meaning of the Yin Yang symbol

The symbol of male and female principles of Yin and Yang indicates the interaction of these two strong energies with each other. The Chinese adopted this sign in their philosophy from Buddhists, and later it was reflected in many areas of human life – creativity, medicine or religion.

Such a talisman will replenish inner energy, and also help to find harmony with your inner self and with the people around you. For maximum effect, it is important to study in detail the meaning of the Yin Yangak symbols that make up the amulet, both together and separately.

Yin Yang Symbol

The meaning of Yin Yang

Initially, the symbol of the opposition of Yin and Yang meant a mountain, on the one hand, illuminated by sunlight, and on the other, in darkness. The movement of the heavenly body forward leads to a change in the light and dark sides – this indicates a cycle of life.

In general, the amulet is a unity of opposites: good and evil, harm and benefit, activity and passivity. Each sign in the Yin and Yang talisman has its own special meaning:

Yin – feminine

The female Yin energy represents the dark side of the Moon, which contributes to:

  • development of intuition;
  • softening of character;
  • increased emotionality;
  • disclosure of creativity.

Yin helps the fairer sex to become calmer, wiser and more feminine at the same time, which attracts the attention of the opposite sex.

Jan – masculine

Masculine Yang energy means the bright side of the Sun, which symbolizes:

  • clarity of mind;
  • clarity of formulation of thoughts;
  • purposefulness;
  • development of intelligence and logical thinking.

Calm Yin energetics activates the Yang male principle for active actions and open manifestation of their intentions.

What the symbol looks like

The appearance of the Yin Yang sign is a perfect closed circle that personifies the symbol of the infinity of the universe, divided by a wavy line into two equal halves, similar to fish or drops. One part of the amulet is white and the other is black.

The parts of the amulet are widened at one end, and narrowed at the other. At the same time, the wider part has a point of the opposite color inside – they indicate that both energies are interconnected and are able to influence each other.

Impact on daily life

The inner state of a person and everything around him is filled with Yin Yang energy and the main task for finding a harmonious life is to achieve their balance.

Personalities in which Yang predominates are energetic natures with inherent in them:

  • aggressiveness and irascibility;
  • incontinence;
  • excessive assertiveness.

A person in whom the beginning of Yin is more manifested is calm, lazy, often in a depressed state, however, he is distinguished by poise, a rich imagination and well-developed intuition.

Yin Yang Talismans

Each person has masculine and feminine features, while the symbol depicting Yin and Yang will help the wearer find harmony by balancing both energies within himself. The main action of the talisman is to strengthen weak character traits and suppress the strong.

Expert Opinion Yuna Khatun A child fortune teller Before you start wearing a purchased or donated talisman, it is recommended to hold it under running water for several minutes – this way, you will wash away someone else's energy from it.

You can clean the talisman as much as possible by leaving it for a day in salt or spring water.

In order for the black and white circle to help its owner balance these two energies within himself, it is necessary to establish a connection with the amulet and tune in to its work.

It is recommended to activate the talisman for each element and zodiac sign in different ways:

  1. The fire. Aries, Leo and Taurus are required to carry the amulet over a burning candle seven times.
  2. Land. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorns are recommended to lower the protective sign in a pot of earth for 7 hours or bury it in the garden.
  3. Air. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius need to smoke the talisman with incense 7 times.
  4. Water. Scorpions, Cancers and Pisces need to lower the jewelry into a container of water also 7 times.

To activate the amulet, you need to regularly communicate with him and share those things that disturb you and destroy harmony.

The greatest power is possessed by a charm in the form of a pendant, which is worn closer to the heart – this way it has the best effect on the spiritual and physical state of the owner. Earrings are also considered the best option for women, and cufflinks for men.

Tattoo meaning

Yin Yang tattoos are allowed to be applied to any person, regardless of gender or age. The emergence of a desire to get a tattoo with this sign means that you want to come to an inner agreement with yourself, try to get rid of doubts and find meaning in life.

The Yin Yang emblem will help you deal with life's problems, improve the condition of the body and find your soul mate.

In order for the image on the body to lead to positive changes, it is recommended to hide it from the views of strangers – it is optimal to apply a tattoo on the back, stomach or chest.

It is important to remember that real harmony with yourself and the world around you can be achieved only by learning to control and correctly apply the Yin Yang energy.

Therefore, do not forget to regularly listen to your inner voice, which will help you understand what exactly needs to be done to find life balance.

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