A photo from open sources
Evidence that the moon is far from a natural satellite Earth, and the huge base of aliens that it is hollow inside (possibly also a portal for moving in the Universe), abound. However, orthodox science does not want to do this. agree: someone (one can assume from those who collaborate with aliens) does not allow scientists “such luxury.”
Famous virtual archaeologist George Graham (name is fictitious, about it will be a bit lower), the leading channel on YouTube video hosting Streetcap1 also contributed to the evidence that the moon literally crammed with bases and even whole alien cities. In his archive a lot of materials on this topic, many of which are available the general public thanks to YouTube
The other day George Graham even discovered the entrance to the internal base aliens (see video) around which you can distinguish man-made structures and even an interstellar ship travelers.
A photo from open sources
A virtual archaeologist immediately sends us to another interesting lunar find: in a photograph taken on September 15 2016 NASA Orbital Station “Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter”, you can see a very bright and geometrically correct figure – the object is clearly of artificial origin.
Unfortunately, such research is not in vain for virtual archaeologist. Participating in a joint project with Russian documentary filmmakers who decided to disclose to viewers some secrets of Mars, he called himself George Graham, right away making a reservation that this is a fictitious name, because he is afraid for himself and, most importantly, for your family. And therefore, all the data about yourself, including and place of residence, kept in strict confidence.
As it turned out, such a precaution is far from superfluous. The day before yesterday, the ufologist received a warning of the following content: “Stop your research and immediately close the channel on YouTube. There will simply be no second warning. ”
George Graham reported this to the administration of video hosting and made a statement to the local police and also shared with Web users with their fear of a worse outcome. And although his supported by tens of thousands of people in a powerful world, especially if they are associated with aliens, say, the same reptilians, there are almost limitless possibilities to deal with disagreeable to them ufologist, too far gone in his research. Let’s hope that the Higher Forces will not allow this. arbitrariness …