A photo from open sources
Looking at the photos of the moon on the official website of NASA, lovers astronomers continue to find images in which traces are visible alien civilizations.
This is an additional confirmation that natural Earth satellite, firstly, has long been busy with someone, and secondly, not the fact is that it is natural. Photos confirming this the hypothesis of scientists, always cause a lively response from users Internet, and, judging by the statistics of viewing laid out materials, say, on the same YouTube channel, interest in this topic in earthlings are not small.
A photo from open sources
Current photos show the pyramid and the city, which are visible on surface of the moon. True, some web users believe that in the pictures you can also see an alien ship. In any case, it is these facts, which are becoming more and more, not to mention those that are classified by the US government and the USSR �(now Russia), and forced the leading powers of the world to abandon ideas of colonization of the moon.
By the way, it is worth saying that China also refused to send to The moon of their astronauts. And why would it seem? ..
Moon Pyramids Russia