A photo from open sources
An unusual plantation of wild plants similar to cacti, discovered a resident of Roswell, New Mexico, where 64 years ago, how it’s known that three unidentified flying objects crashed, the truth about which the US authorities are carefully hiding until now. Find Near Roswell Botanist with 30 Years of Experience David Salman, who works for High Country Gardens, said that engaged in seed collection west of Roswell when he noticed in the grass faint glow. Walking closer, he saw that an unusual light comes from a shallow hollow, completely dotted with plants, externally like cacti. Lozhbina about a meter deep and which had diameter of about three meters, was like a crater from a meteorite. TO what kind of amazing luminous cacti belong, botanist I could not immediately determine, but quickly realized that they are carnivores and feed on at least insects. Salman neatly dug up a few samples and then carefully for a month investigated them in his laboratory, and then came to the conclusion that quite by chance stumbled upon a colony of plants brought on Earth is either a meteorite, or … alien creatures! “I cant for the present to say for sure, but most likely these unusual cacti arrived from space, says the nerd. – Samples are still are being investigated, but it’s already clear that they’re quite connected with the Earth ghostly. These plants have practically no root system, they don’t need water and mineral salts. Their only food – insects, which they attract to themselves, radiating phosphorescent light. However, perhaps they can eat and small animals. And this is the next phase of my research. What from it will turn out – only God knows! “David Salman has already addressed to botanists around the world asking to help him identify found cacti. According to him, maybe someone of them had previously encountered similar plantations in places where meteorites fell or UFO landings or catastrophes were noted. “I I hope that this kind of cactus will eventually be classified from a scientific point of view. In the meantime, I gave a new look temporary name Ariocarpus, “concluded the scientist. Mysterious The sound of David Salman’s hope that the plantation he found alien plants is not one of a kind, has some reasons. In recent years, it has been recorded several cases where in different countries eyewitnesses reported flowers, trees and shrubs, which in their characteristics little resembled earthly plants. In particular, with a rather creepy “alien” had to face a resident of the Moscow region Nikolai Blinkov. “Last June,” he said, “Anomalous to news, “the first summer thundered over our summer cottage village thunderstorm, short but very intense. Soon she died down. I lay down rest, but did not oversleep and half an hour, as I woke up from some incomprehensible noise. It seemed that a mosquito was peeping outside the window, but the sound was very loud, he literally cut his ears. I opened the window and looked out out. A sound was heard from somewhere above and everything grew. Lifting up head, I saw a strange dark cloud that obscured a solar disk, but, however, only for a few minutes. The sun shone again. The cloud disappeared somewhere. Simultaneously the mosquito-like humming stopped. The evening went as usual: in weeding, spudding and watering seedlings in the beds. But the next morning, at breakfast, my wife and son told me that in the garden with onions a new plant has appeared. Last night – she remembered it firmly – he was not there yet. After breakfast, we went to look at the “alien”. It was somehow strange: a tall bright green straight stalk about one and a half meters high. On it were flowers, in appearance and size resembling a lily. But, strange thing, on a clear sunny morning in bees buzzed in the garden, all kinds of midges and bugs flew, and not one of they did not sit on the flowers of a new plant, moreover, they like him would fly around. “Bloodthirsty monster in the garden plot Tear the outlandish plant Nikolay did not decide to see what happened to him will be next. Suddenly this is a seed of some overseas coconut sprouted ?! And before sunset, a scream was heard from the garden terrified neighbor’s chicken. Summer residents immediately decided that on top of the stupid bird flying over the fence toward them was “dived” by the hawk. Nikolai’s wife rushed to the rescue, about five minutes later went outside and he with his son. What appeared before their eyes could plunge into the indescribable horror of anyone. Overseas Coconut in a Few Hours has grown even more, Nikolai continues his story. – But not that was the main thing. Curving the top of his stem in a loop, he grabbed them … screaming chicken! The loop before our eyes tightened everything tighter, the screams grew quieter. Recovering, the wife grabbed shovel and tried to cut the bloodthirsty stalk. However bumping about him, the shovel made a clanging sound, as if the stem was from metal! I took the spade from my wife and tried to chop it myself. IN in the end I succeeded. The top of the stem with the loop dropped to the ground. But the loop did not loosen. Just wielding a metal bar, which the son brought, we managed to unclench this damn loop and free the chicken. Sorry, it’s late. And then we found that the flowers of the killer plant turned bright red. It seemed that it sucked blood from a bird. Our surprise and horror were not of boundaries: we felt that something unpleasant was approaching us and scary. My son and I carefully dug up the “bloody killer”, poured they set it on fire with kerosene. Soon, only a hill remained from the plant ashes. It seemed that one could breathe a sigh of relief. But on this tests for us did not end. The next morning, the alien with an iron stalk “appeared already at the fence, in a thicket of nettles: he, probably the day before through an underground escape budded from main plant. This time, the object of his attack was neighbor’s cat. But the animal managed to break out of time dangerous loop and thereby avoid death. Now we have taken up earthworks in earnest. The whole garden plot was carefully dug up. As a result, it was possible to track the path along which ground underground shoot of a “bloody coconut” stretched to the fence. I I kindled a blowtorch and burned all this way with flame. Fortunately, neither the next day nor the subsequent “flower-killer” on our the garden no longer appeared. I think that his appearance was somehow connected with a mysterious cloud that I watched. Possibly from the seeds of the “bloodthirsty monster” came to our site. IN you can believe this story, or you can laugh. However, at the same time should be borne in mind the statement of the corresponding member of the Academy sciences of the USSR G. A. Tikhov, who is the founder of a new science – astrobotany, which back in the late 40s of the last century stated that in the terrestrial biosphere, if you search carefully, always you can find forms that are possible analogues of alien plants. And not only analogues, it should be added … Gennady Fedotov, observer “AN”
Monsters Insects Birds Plants Sun