A photo from open sources
The mystery of the so-called black helicopters is already known in for many years and is associated with UFO, mutilated corpses of large cattle and other unexplained phenomena. However, since 1993 years, the observation of black helicopters in the sky of the United States has become common event, sometimes they escort triangular UFOs of dark color, and sometimes appear in isolated groups. Their name these objects received due to similarities with military helicopters. They are characterized by black color and do not carry any identification marks. Eyewitnesses often notice them flying usually just above the tops of trees, in sparsely populated areas of the United States. Speed their flight does not exceed 160 kilometers per hour. Cabin glass helicopters are painted black and see what is behind them happening, impossible. Most often, black helicopters were observed in NAP County (California) and mostly at night. Mass media information in no hurry to report unusual UFOs, as they believed that the latter are military targets. Newspaper correspondent Napa News Matthias Grisi became interested in the phenomenon and decided to hold own investigation. Local Air Force Command forces rejected any connection with the black helicopters. Grisi talked with many witnesses. Here is the story of one of them, Napa resident Henry Richardson: – I could not sleep at night, and I went out to breathe fresh air. Bright stars shone with a steady light Suddenly, in the northeastern part of the sky, the stars disappeared, as if clouds covered them. I noticed a dark spot moving across the sky in direction of Napa. A few minutes later I saw on a lighter the background is a huge triangular object and next to each corner triangle – by helicopter. In the silence of a summer night was heard characteristic sound of working propellers. Both the triangle and the helicopters were completely black. After interviewing hundreds of witnesses, the correspondent found out that objects appearing in the sky of Napa County, varied in design and appearance. Most often witnesses saw flying objects similar to a military helicopter UH-1, which used by American troops in Vietnam. During the flight of this helicopter, which during the war the soldiers called horse “, a characteristic, far-reaching sound is heard. His produce double blades. Therefore, the approach of the helicopter can find out before he appears in sight. Obviously objects of this type were seen by Richardson. Second type of black Grisi called helicopters “cobra” due to similarities with a military helicopter AN-1 COBRA. These objects produce a similar sound, but significantly Outperform UH-1 in size. “Cobras” are very narrow, observers, those who saw them in front, argue that in this perspective, the car is almost not distinguishable against a dark sky. The corresponding helicopter AN-1 COBRA this effect is caused by a design feature, the pilot in it located above and behind the weapons officer. Similar to coast guard. The latter has a high range flight and reliability and can land even on the roof cars. This type of helicopter is used on President’s trips. USA. The correspondent managed to find only two witnesses who saw “sea stallion.” The event took place on March 22, 1998 in restricted area near lake grum lake. Observers succeeded take a picture of a single object Photography is currently located at Grisi. A photo from open sources Another type called “banana” for resemblance to a military helicopter SN-47, it is impossible to confuse with any to others. The object really resembles a banana in shape, CH-47 was Designed to carry heavy loads and is able to take on board a lot of people and equipment. The “black” version of the helicopter was seen repeatedly. In 1996, on the shores of Lake Michigan north of Chicago “banana” landed and a group of people in black came out of it uniform. This incident was reported to the local sheriff, but when he arrived, a black helicopter with passengers flew away. The purpose of the landing remained unclear. Bananas without identification marks were repeatedly observed in Oklahoma where they appeared in groups or accompanied by “cobras”. One of witnesses even managed to remove the “black bananas” amateur video camera. The military experts to whom Grisi showed the film claim that the facilities are very similar to the CH-47 helicopters. Another a type (codenamed “hybrid”) is something the average between a helicopter and an airplane. The screw is located at the top parts are the same as in a conventional helicopter, but similar to an airplane attach wings. “Hybrids” appeared in Illinois, accompanying triangular UFOs that were often observed in the state sky are somewhat years ago. In some cases, witnesses reported some goods, carried by “hybrids” on long ropes. One of the eyewitnesses appearance of a group of black “hybrid” type helicopters November 20, 1997 years Olaf Crowes assured Grisi “that on the wings of objects was distinguishable large inscription “American war birds, Incorporated. “After a lengthy investigation the correspondent found out that in the state of Illinois, as well as in all other US states, there is no registered company with by this name, the objects called Grisy “Hercules” are similar to military helicopters S-130 Hercules. Both are characterized by very low and slow flight, as well as large carrying capacity. “Hercules” most often observed in the North Ohio, where they appeared singly, sometimes in groups, and sometimes accompanied by triangular UFOs. Grisi has published several articles and made radio report on the problem of black helicopters. He found over a hundred witnesses of their appearance in California and other states. In all In cases other than the above, the objects had no identification marks (which, generally speaking, puts Olaf’s report Crowes in doubt). Correspondent contacted the military professionals who are unanimous in that all types of blacks helicopters, except for “hybrids”, are very similar to military helicopters, in service with the air force. However the press service of the Air Force claims that there are no black helicopters have no relationship. It happened, eyewitnesses saw the landing “helicopters”, next to which were people in black clothes with objects very similar to automatic weapons. According to several families from Massachusetts in March 1997 people in black flew by helicopter every day. In this case, the car did not carry no identification marks and flew at low altitude, total a few meters above the ground. In some cases, witnesses in their including several policemen, tried to get closer to the objects, but those flew away instantly. Not a single case recorded aggressive behavior from black helicopters or their passengers.
A photo from open sources Here is an excerpt from an interview taken by Grisi from New Mexico policeman Matthew Hughes: – December 24, 1996 during during my duty, I received an order from the radio to go to one of nearby farms, where, according to the owner, the robbers flew by helicopter. I decided that this was crazy, but I had to obey the order. Since my car at the time of the message was not far from the farm, I arrived at the scene already in ten minutes. It was late evening. At the far end of the farm, about outbuildings was a small apparatus, very similar to helicopter. As far as could be discerned at dusk, the helicopter was absolutely black. Not finding the owner of the farm, I left the patrol cars and moved towards a strange machine. At that moment I heard a characteristic whistling sound, the propeller blades came in movement and the “helicopter” flew away. No trace on the spot where it stood the departed device was not observed. In the house, the farm owner met me with a rifle in his hands, the rest of the family hid in basement. The farmer said that a black helicopter landed about hours ago, two people came out of it in black with automatic arms in hand. According to the owner, unknown people entered the barn, served as a repository for fertilizers. He began to scream to strangers so that they were removed from the territory, not daring to come closer. Strangers did not answer and did not pay at all to the owner of the farm no attention. I had to call the police. Hughes wrote about a report in form, but he knows nothing about Whether any investigation has been conducted into the incident. The Grisi dossier has information about the appearance of black helicopters in Colorado, Texas, Tennessee, Michigan, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Ohio, South Dakota, Minnesota, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Illinois and California. Articles about these UFOs have been published in some media, in particular in Los Angeles Time, Kilgore News, Denver Post, but information set out in them are extremely scarce. Black Helicopter Observations recorded from October to May, the maximum activity falls on December and March. According to Grisi, most often objects appeared in Colorado followed by Texas. During his investigation journalist met with amateur ufologist from Texas Thomas Adams, who independently recorded dozens of observations “helicopters” in different states. Analyzing the collected information, Grisi came to the conclusion that there are some underground bases for maintenance of these flying machines. As the facts show, such bases located in Texas and Colorado, and possibly in other states. On the US territories have underground bases for both military equipment and and for people. The rumor reached the reporter that under the hotel in Byte Sulfur Springs in West Virginia is some kind of secret bunker. The underground entrance is located in the basement of the hotel and locked by a heavy lead door, In the bunker there are stocks water and food, electronic equipment and living rooms. The correspondent managed to find an eyewitness who had previously worked at the hotel. He claimed to have met with people serving the bunker. By According to this witness, the bunker was built simultaneously with the hotel, and he Designed for congressmen in the event of a nuclear war. According to journalist, rarity of press coverage and unwillingness of the authorities investigate the origin of the UFO suggest that black helicopters – secret military designs of the Pentagon and the National security agencies. Inability to find UFO bases indicates the fact that the latter are in closed military zones. Not all agree with Grisi. Many ufologists believe that the phenomenon of blacks Helicopter has an extraterrestrial origin. According to Thomas Adams, aliens are exploring the earth and for this purpose have created means movements reminding people of helicopters so as not to shock them the appearance of the inhabitants of the Earth. Grisy is currently continuing investigation, and the mystery of the origin of black helicopters is still is on the agenda. Black helicopters in Russia. This story. said Marina K., a middle-aged woman, a resident of the city Dimitrovgrad of the Ulyanovsk region. In September 2012 at night her awakened by the noise of a helicopter engine ringing over her five-story building. Without turning on the light in the room, she went to the window and on the fifth floor against the background of the stars I saw a “helicopter”. In helicopters she did not understand. Flying machine with propeller looking and rattling like a real helicopter, there is no fear in it at first caused. Fear came later when the “helicopter” suddenly committed a steep turn and hovered in front of its very window, and then started sideways get close to him. The cabin had a wide window. In it, lighted a bluish light, pilots were visible – two men and a woman. Rumble the motor suddenly abated, but the helicopter continued to stay in in the air. The large window of the helicopter came close to the window Marinas. The room was flooded with blue light. Glass on board a helicopter fell down, and the female pilot, leaning out of the cockpit, opened wide open window frame. The woman was quite young, she looked no more than 20. It looked attractive. Dark hair, slightly disheveled in modern fashion, dark eyes. Stood next to her a man a little older than her. Both were dressed in bright loose clothes. The third pilot sat in the chair at the helm. Spoke only female. The man was silent. She resolutely told Marina that she must immediately get into a helicopter. They have an order deliver it urgently to the destination. That’s an order superiors. Failure to do so threatens major troubles, up to detention. Speaking, she leaned over the windowsill and seemed to about to move into the room. The frightened Marina ran out of apartment, went down into the yard and there sheltered behind garages. Only after half an hour she dared to go out and go around the house. The window of her room was wide open. There was no helicopter anywhere. She returned to herself when dawned. I did not find traces of someone else’s presence in the apartment. Later Marina found out that at least three residents of her porch heard at night a helicopter drone and saw a flying car. That night to her and it didn’t occur to me that it could be aliens. Reason the fear that has surged on her cannot explain. About that case recalls with a shiver. “On the windowsill of the apartment, in those places where the pilots of the mysterious “helicopter” were touching it; luminescent spots, – the Samara Ufologist comments on the incident Vyacheslav Katalymov. – On the edge of the tin cornice to which a UFO was flying up close, there is a brownish trace of an unknown origin. As for the witness’s fear, it can be explain the psychological impact. Apparently, with his help the aliens intended to make the woman move into their apparatus, to carry out the abduction. The most remarkable thing in this story the fact that in the morning after the incident the witness discovered that her the clock is an hour and a half behind. She herself did not attach any importance to this. A meanwhile, it is possible that these one and a half hours were erased from her memory. That is, she spent them aboard the UFO … ”
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