The mystery of the appearance of Jesus Christ

The mystery of the appearance of Jesus ChristPhotos from open sources of

British journalist Rob Williams once issued a statement that in London is preparing a speech by the American scientist Joseph Atvilla, who proves in his new book The Roman Conspiracy against humanity – the invention of Jesus Christ, “that no Messiah it just wasn’t. Note that the very performance of Atville on the Web did not appear …

Atville claimed on his website that he had revealed the secret of the appearance of Christ, in his opinion, Christianity is sophisticated public policy of the Roman aristocracy of the first century, thanks to her, the birth story was completely fabricated, the activity and crucifixion of Jesus.

The Romans, wrote an American scientist, are tired of numerous uprisings of Jewish sects, which certainly awaited the Messiah warrior, and therefore, we decided to create a competing, very attractive story about peaceful Messiah, who taught to love everyone and everyone, to substitute the second cheek, when they hit the first, and regularly pay taxes. Christianity, says Atville, is designed as a sophisticated system. mind control, generating slaves believing that slavery itself is good, because it is the command of God.

A photo from open sources

Joseph made his discovery through painstaking study. New Testament and the “Judean War” Josephus. Military company Tita Flavia, said the scientist, surprisingly coincides with events and places of preaching of Christ, that is, the biography of the Messiah simply designed based on early historical events.

Rob Williams cautiously emphasized then that the “discovery” of Atville – only one of the many “biblical conspiracy theories”. For example, among other similar theories that deserve attention, can be attributed the statement of the scholar-theologian Gunnar Samuelson about that Jesus simply could not be executed in the first century, since at that time there was no tradition to crucify on crosses anyone, even opponents of the official church of one or another state. And if it’s a lie, how can you believe in everything else, what is written in the New World? ..

A photo from open sources

Another noteworthy conspiracy theory is based on scroll with ancient Egyptian text accidentally found in 2002 in British National Museum. So this artifact, which refers to the fourteenth century BC, word for word repeats the most famous prayer of Jesus Christ “Our Father …”. It turned out that it was the “Blind Prayer” of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten, whose biography is very similar to the adventures of Christ. Note that many scientists, for example, the Russian researcher Nikolai Morozov, as well as Barcelona priest Logari Pujol, much earlier this British find, based only on a study of history Ancient Egypt and Christianity concluded that personality Jesus was simply written off from Akhenaten …

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