The mystery of the Baltic UFO has not been revealed. Why?

The mystery of the Baltic UFO has not been revealed. Why?Photo from open sources

This secret has been six years since the mysterious object is very resembling a ship (some kind of vehicle) of aliens, was discovered at the bottom of the Baltic Sea in 2011. Since many attempts have been made to study, or at least understand, what it is, however, as they say, things are still there.

This “anomaly of the Baltic Sea”, as it was immediately christened reporters, and then accepted by researchers of all stripes, looks at really impressive – like a space object from a movie “Star Wars”. Over the past six years, many have tried to study it, from archaeologists, historians and hunters to paranormalism especially this fantastic object ufologists became interested.

A photo from open sources

The UFO at the bottom of the sea was found by the Swedish treasure hunters of the Ocean X team, who are led by Peter Lindberg professionally “combed” the seabed with a sonar, when suddenly … I came across this miracle. Professional divers “Ocean X” several months cleared the object of sea silt, but all of them the efforts yielded nothing.

Firstly, as the head of the group of divers Stefan says Hogerborn, working with this mysterious UFO is very difficult, near it all equipment ceases to function, even electric the lamp goes out, not to mention a satellite phone. Secondly, the object is something round and massive, with a diameter of eighteen meters. Penetrate it if it really is the alien apparatus, it’s impossible to raise it is beyond the power of a small team, albeit brave divers. And is it really possible in principle, whether aliens allow (automatic security device of this unit) “enter their home.” Apparently – no …

A photo from open sources

However, divers managed to take a sample of material from which made “anomaly of the Baltic Sea”, Steve Weiner – professional geologist of the Ocean X team – carefully studied it and concluded: this cannot be a natural geological education. Moreover – the UFO is made of an alloy that does not exist and cannot be on Earth yet …

A photo from open sources

So what is it all the same – a mysterious “plate” at the bottom The Baltic Sea? The fact that she has not been flying and swimming for a long time (apparently, crashed), it is clear to all researchers. However, it cannot be said that UFOs are completely dead if they are so well protected from intrusion uninvited guests. Another thing is surprising: why the leading countries of the world equip billionth space expeditions, contain entire teams scientists looking for extraterrestrial intelligence in the vastness of the universe, and here, literally at hand, an alien ship (not one of Orthodox scholars have not proved that this is not so), and no one even not trying to raise from the bottom of the sea? Has anyone again given from above pointer – do not touch anything? Indeed, it’s much safer to spend taxpayers’ money for more harmless and already familiar things, let’s say to space exploration while continuing to powder naive brains the layman on the much-needed colonization of the Moon, Mars, Venus … And not even really plan to fly there …

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