The mystery of the holy water

Photo from open sources

Every year on January 19, the feast of the Epiphany, a real miracle happens: water in all sources, whether it’s a spring, river or lake, changes its structure and acquires unique healing properties. How to explain this phenomenon? In January Christians around the world celebrate Baptism. True, this happens in Catholics and Orthodox in different ways, and even the date of the celebration is not match. In the Catholic tradition, Baptism is celebrated on January 6. IN This day is remembered by three magi – Caspar, Cupronickel and Belshazzar. Following the bright star, they arrived in Bethlehem immediately after birth Jesus and the first bowed to the Savior. People professing Catholicism, in Baptism, they bring home consecrated chalk from churches. They write on the doors the first letters of the names of the sages – “K”, “M” and “B” believing that thereby protect the family from evil spirits. MIRACLE NATURE In Orthodoxy, the holiday falls on January 19th. It is believed that it was then that Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River. According to The Gospel, at that moment the Holy Spirit descended upon him in the form of a dove, and a voice from heaven proclaimed him the Son of God. In honor of this events in all Orthodox churches decided to illuminate the water, making special rituals above it. It is known that such water, if stored in a separate vessel, does not deteriorate for a long time, and in addition, it has unique healing properties. But what is surprising: exactly like that moisture from any source, even from under crane. And this happens only on January 19th.

Photo from open sources

In one of the scientific laboratories, water collected on a holiday Baptism from a flowing lake, stored at room temperature four years. However, she did not change color, nor taste, nor smell. Ordinary tap water standing next to it in similar conditions, became unfit for drinking after five months, and non-carbonated mineral purchased in a store through eight. And it’s really a miracle that you can touch everyone, regardless of religious beliefs and confessional accessories. Moreover, on this day you can still see one unique phenomenon. Sometimes on a calm surface of water bodies You can see sharp ripples that suddenly occur with complete calm. This the phenomenon has been recorded many times, with witnesses became not only true believers, but also far from religion people. MEDICINE FOR ALL DISEASES Christianity is traditionally connects the miracle of the sanctification of water with the Savior. Church Fathers believe that at the time of baptism the contact of the God-man with matter. Submerged in water, he consecrated it. And since then on this day, not only in holy sources, but in any other place water acquires the “pristine property of imperishability”, and processes decay and decay do not threaten her. Moreover, she has the ability heal diseases and sanctify every person with God’s grace, with by the faith of her. Baptismal water, according to the priests, extinguishes the flame of passions and drives away evil spirits, so they sprinkle it houses and food, wash face and hands. The moment Jesus entered Jordanian waters were accompanied by many signs. The river flows with mountains, flows into the Genisaret Sea (now Lake Kinneret), but on 300 meters does not mix with its salt waters, but in a powerful stream continues its journey until it flows into the Dead Sea, When Jesus was baptized and the Holy Spirit descended upon him – and water Jordan went back. This sign has since been repeated annually. On the eve of the holiday, Orthodox Christians let down the river wooden crosses with candles. Water takes them to the Dead sea, and January 19 returns back! On the same day, fresh water The Jordan becomes salty … The place of Christ’s baptism is now located in the territory of Jordan. Local authorities only allow January 19 perform church service on the banks of the river and bless the water. Behind action is watched by many tourists and pilgrims, so there are plenty eyewitnesses who watch with their own eyes how the river turns back, and the branches of the trees fall so low that touch the surface of the water. PAGAN CULT Despite the fact that Baptism canceled by millions of people around the world, this event is by no means not biblical. The first Christians did not set off this day. Yes, and there is nothing about this in the Holy Scriptures. it is said. The tradition of celebration appeared only in the VII-VI11 centuries from Nativity of Christ. Perhaps she has something in common with customs our more distant ancestors? After all, the cult of water was one of the main paganism. For example, Slavic peoples have long worshiped the rain, which moistened and fertilized the earth. Heavenly water attributed protective, cleansing and enhancing properties, from her quality directly depended on the health status of residents of a particular terrain. One of the most common greetings among the ancients Rusich was the wish “Be healthy as water!”. A bunch of springs and wells, in which water had healing power, was under the auspices of the goddess Mokoshi. By the way, after adoption of Christianity, they all came under the jurisdiction of St. Paraskeva Fridays and then St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Photo from open sources

In modern Mari, Albanian and Adyghe families until of recent times, rites of inducing rain, whose roots go to the beginning of our era. During the drought, women and girls did special doll, carried it to the river and threw it into the water. Met by people tried to spray the procession on the way to the reservoir, and the participants actions in response should have dragged them away and plunged into the river. Finally, already today on the Mediterranean coast, especially in the surroundings of Larnaca, Limassol, Protaras, Paphos, widely celebrates the ancient pagan holiday Cataclysmos – ritual day bathing in holy water, which is an echo of the cults of Aphrodite and Dionysus * At dusk on the banks of mountain rivers and by the sea they gather thousands of people for ritual immersion in water, for one night gaining magical properties. SCARY HOLIDAY Sanctification water and all sorts of rites associated with it were held in antiquity everywhere. For example, the famous Rusal, dedicated to the winter and summer solstice, served as a kind of initiation for girls and young men entering adulthood. It was they who spawned and sent to wander through epics and tales of mermaids and water, stewards of the moisture of the earth and heaven. Main characters of the holiday – innocent girls who have drawn lots. They were brought to a sacrifice of the river, crowned with water for the fertility of coastal lands. But the most terrible cult holiday in the life of any pagan – Velesov day. It falls precisely on January 6 according to the old style, that is January 19, the very day we celebrate Baptism! Name of god Veles (in some areas – Hair) came from the Indian “led” – to “die”, During the five days preceding January 6, tribal elders selected a feeble, sick and unnecessary tribe people to send to the forefathers. This was done in order to workers did not have to feed the “parasites” in vain. Doomed prepared for ritual death. Relatives listened to their last parting words, conveyed their requests to otherworldly forces, and then said goodbye. And on Velesov day people were taken ashore and drowned in running water (usually in the ice hole at the whirlpool or at the mouth of the river). Surprisingly, after the adoption of Christianity in the same places began to build chapels and fonts, and in the winter make ice holes in the ice in the form of crosses. And where relatives used to drown, they began to swim in the glory of the Christian holiday of Epiphany, as if washing away the old sins! SCIENTIFIC APPROACH And yet why so many rituals agreed on the date of January 19 (b)? As a result of many years of observation nuclear physics experts recorded: every year in this day intense streams hit the earth neutrons are elementary particles that do not have a charge. Power neutron irradiation of our planet is increasing 100-200 times. The maximum flow rate falls on the area of ​​the Dead of the sea, is it not because the trees bend on the banks of the Jordan River? Scientists long established the fact that intense neutron “attacks” have a sterilizing effect, that is, all malicious viruses and bacteria are destroyed. One can only be surprised and admire how our ancestors managed to detect this effect. Perhaps wise It is not for nothing that the Savior plunged into the waters of the Jordan at this time. By he himself bestowed upon his followers a powerful tool for self-healing, purification of the soul and body. “Line of Fate” January 2013

Water Life Time

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