A photo from open sources
In the video taken from the unique NASA observatory – Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, which is still called the SOFIA flying telescope, ufologists examined a worker, whose hands are clearly inhuman. And therefore there was a suspicion that an alien is on board the telescope.
Mysterious Observatory SOFIA
I must say that the observatory itself has long been under close attention of conspiracy theorists around the world, since with her the appearance and purpose of much is obscure. Officially – it’s powerful infrared telescope that raises to a height of 10 thousand meters Boeing 747, which supposedly allows NASA employees to do more high-quality images of space objects.
However, not everything is as simple as the officials represent. For example, in 2010, when this mysterious was launched observatory of IR astronomy, the Vatican is urgently building its infrared telescope Lucifer (one name is what it costs). Therein in the same year, Americans do not understand why they dragged an infrared telescope also to Antarctica. SOFIA itself seen in June over caldera Yellowstone, where scientists did not observe the stars …
Therefore Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, then there is what it really is and for what purpose it is created – it separate topic. However, if the hand of an alien working for the remote control of this flying lab really has place, then the mystery of the SOFIA telescope becomes at some understandable, although such a “discovery” raises more questions, what gives the answers.
Users of the social network Twitter, where this one appeared the mysterious video, as always, divided into skeptics and ardent conspiracy theorists, however, with accuracy to say that a strange-shaped hand – this is really the extremity of the “gray” alien, and not distortion when shooting, or even a sick hand of a person (there is such a disease – arachnodactyly), no one can say with absolute certainty can.
Gradual drain of information about aliens?
But here an interesting question arises: this is another omission NASA employees (again overlooked), or targeted throwback to the public consciousness of information about the presence on our planet aliens who have already come into contact with us long ago?
Many ufologists are sure that the US authorities are gradually preparing Americans to this since the aliens official contact and Earthlings near the White House are unlikely to happen. This is just not can withstand the nerves of the hottest US guys who may well to react at all in the wrong way and arrange firing on each suspicious from their point of view type. Therefore drain information happens gradually. And the alien’s hand in this case is not very clear and concrete, quite suitable for such a gradual training the minds of Americans. In this case, whoever he wants, he believes in the information received, but gradually people they will get used to the fact that we have not been alone on Earth for a long time. Yes never been alone …
NASA USA Telescope