The story of the appearance of the miraculous icon of the Virgin Inexpressible Chalice

The story of the appearance of the miraculous icon of the VirginA photo from open sources

Drinking at all times was a terrible tragedy for person, and for his family. This is probably why scientists are still looking miraculous medicines and remedies for this ailment, but they are not like not. And it is not even known whether they will be when they are found. The thing is, as the saints and enlightened people say that any disease, let alone especially drunkenness, given to man for his sins – a violation of some universal laws of being.

And therefore, do not need to be encoded or medication in this case. drink, and … pray and repent, ask the Almighty forgiveness for your sins (mistakes). And the best way in this case for Christian of Russia can become the icon of the Virgin “Inexhaustible Chalice”, as if specially given to the Orthodox Russians, as a chance for salvation of body and soul.

How this amazing icon of the Virgin was found

A very interesting story of the appearance of this amazing icon. The first mention of it dates back to the end of the 19th century and is connected with Church of the Virgin in Serpukhov. About three hundred kilometers from him at that time lived in one of the ordinary Russian villages peasant (unfortunately his name is lost) – a former soldier who gave serving the fatherland 25 years and now in solitude passing the rest of his years. No, of course, and former soldiers in this case they found widows and then even had children and peacefully led a peasant farm. But this … began to get drunk – to whom such do you need a host?

A man drank and could not stop. Even when he his legs were taken away, he continued to drink the bitter and no longer hoped for death, which, as they say in Russia, and humpback fix. But one night a former soldier had a dream an amazing dream, and so obvious, as if it were not a dream. TO an old man with a long gray beard and wise eyes appeared to him, and this holy man ordered him to go to the city of Serpukhov – in the temple of the Vysotsky Monastery, in order to perform a prayer service there in front of the icon “Inexpressible chalice”, after which the curse will be lifted from the drunkard, and he will be freed from his burden.

However, the drunken man by that time was already so sick and beggars that he had neither the strength nor the means to go to such a great trip for him – to Serpukhov. However amazing dreams continued, and the coming old man literally plagued man with piercing eyes and at the same time soft in a voice that broadcast the unfortunate to obey his advice. AND then a drunkard, one morning he nevertheless went to the monastery, and went on all fours and without any hope to crawl to distant Serpukhov (and the former soldier didn’t have money for the cab It was).

That is, the peasant practically had no access to the monastery chances. However, already in the neighboring village, to which he crawled, his sheltered a compassionate herbalist – she put it again on legs, rubbing them with medicinal infusions. After that, the man is already without any problems reached Serpukhov, where he found the temple he needed and asked his ministers to let him perform a prayer service before icon “Inexpressible Chalice”. However, the monks were extremely surprised at this the request of the parishioner, because they did not know and did not even hear about like an icon.

However, when the former soldier told them about his grief and his amazing dreams, the monks began to search for the alleged icon in their storerooms and, indeed, in one of the aisles of the temple found the icon of the Virgin Mary, completely invisible and from nowhere, on the back of which was the inscription – “Inexpressible bowl.” Having held a prayer service in front of her with the participation of a “lost Christian souls, “they healed the former soldier from drunkenness – once and forever and ever.

A photo from open sources

Where today the miraculous icon of the Virgin is stored

Rumors of a miraculous icon that saves from drunkenness quickly spread throughout Russia and beyond. And in Serpukhov people from all over the country, from other countries, too: drunkenness was already a common disease at that time. TO Unfortunately, after the revolution of 1917 and the offensive behind it the godless period in Russia, the temples began to be destroyed, and the holy icons – burn. This terrible fate befell the miraculous image Virgin “Inexpressible Chalice”.

Today, only two copies (exact lists) that are in the same Serpukhov. One copy in Vysotsky Monastery, the other in the Sovereign Women’s. Both copies are miraculous, as they were written with the blessing of the Lord and icon painters who did not just copy the holy image, but prayed and communed before this, fasted for a long time and practically became the vehicles of the holy spiritual energy bestowed upon them To the Almighty.

So if you or your loved ones have a sin like addiction to alcohol, and the sinner himself is a Christian, probably it’s worth a trip to Serpukhov and a prayer service in front of one of these miraculous icons. Such an act of repentance will be much more effective all newfangled drugs and drugs for drunkenness …

Russia time

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