A photo from open sources
Yale University scientists recently voiced their the assumption of what UFOs are and where it all comes from. It turns out aliens, or rather, what we accept for them, in fact, the inhabitants of the underworld.
According to researchers, these underground inhabitants, of whom there are a lot of evidence in the folklore of almost all peoples live at a depth of nineteen kilometers where available quite favorable conditions for organic life, since temperature and radiation in these layers of the earth’s crust does not exceed the norm.
Miracle – people living underground
Since ancient times, people talk about the underground inhabitants of the Earth, calling their demons, gnomes, spirits, but most often this name, like – chud. Chud is, according to many peoples of Russia, black people living underground and having considerable magical abilities. There are often cases when a chud took people to their land, most often the latter remained there forever and ever. But some were lucky and come back, and here they are very interesting things about cities and countries of the underground of the world.
Bird people
Scientist Ernst Muldashev believes that underground people are just created those amazing sculptures (idols) on Easter Island. After all, besides the idols, there are also mysterious stone structures (chicken coops) in which the local population does not advise to go down, because it threatens to meet birdmen.
Avian birds are also found in the folklore of the Mongolian people. In this In the country, scientists also found similar adits (as on Easter Island) during the excavation of local mounds. The image is also found here. human with wings.
Confession of Edward Snowden
But the notorious scientist Edward Snowden succeeded even get to know the CIA’s secret documents regarding underground inhabitants. According to the researcher, higher authorities Americans have long known what UFOs are.
A photo from open sources
From the CIA documents it follows that the underground race already exists billions of years and therefore naturally far ahead of us in development. Moreover, she was not afraid of natural disasters, which exposed to terrestrial humanity.
Underground residents, says Edward, represent the greatest state secret to which no scientists, even the highest echelons. Snowden himself managed to copy some documents only due to an amazing accident.
Easter Island Russia Islands