The Underworld: What They Tell Us “residents”

The Underworld: What Tell Us ItPhoto from open sources

Of the many ghost stories, the most valuable have those that talk about communicating with them. Only thanks to such evidence we can get at least some information about afterlife.

It should be said that the information that gives ghosts to this account, full of misty omissions. The inhabitants of the afterlife in every way avoid direct answers and shy away from meaningful, serious conversation on the topic of afterlife.

The soul of man is immortal

A photo from open sources

At the end of the last century, a certain Nikolai Semenovich Veselov died, young clergyman. His friend Archpriest Sokolov, who in this time was in another city, it was not known about it. Suddenly, a man saw an unusually vivid dream: Kherson cemetery, a monument in which from the fallen stones formed significant hole …

Feeling curious, I climbed into this hole, archpriest recalls. Ahead the light flashed, and, breaking the passage, I suddenly found himself in a beautiful garden. Walked down the alley towards me Veselov. – What fate, Nikolai Semenovich? I exclaimed in surprise. “I died,” he replied, “and now you see … His face while it shone, eyes shone wonderfully. I wanted to kiss him, however, he pulled back and with his hands pulled away from me. – I dead, ”repeated my friend. – Don’t get close. And he continued again my way, and I went near, not trying to touch him anymore and hoping that Nikolai would tell me something else. And he really said: “I am alive, although I have died.” And in general, he died, alive – it does not matter.

Soon the archpriest found out about the death of Veselov.

What conclusion can be drawn from this dream? Yes, the easiest. Spirit the deceased says: “I am alive, although I have died.” Thus, he confirms the presence of posthumous reality.

In the afterlife you need a guide

A photo from open sources

This “contact history” also happened in the last century. Here what the man, her former protagonist, said …

… Once, when I was sitting in my office and mine my mind was absolutely clear, I noticed in the corner of the room glow. Soon, I distinguished in this light the figure of a man, a monk. I admit, I was very scared, and the figure, approaching, said: – Why are you trembling? Don’t be afraid, I’m your relative Metropolitan of Moscow Filaret. You are the only one who survived from my family and only you can help me recover graves of my mother. Now it is completely hidden. Plate and cross with it stored near the church at the cemetery. An inscription board too intact. You should contact the head priest of the cemetery church and to ensure that everything on the grave was restored. Going on made me very excited. My thoughts were confused, I became to ask where exactly the cross and the plate are stored in the church. The metropolitan has precisely indicated the place where they should be sought. When ours the conversation ended, his figure seemed to dissolve in the air. The abbot of the cemetery church that I turned to skeptical of my story and flatly refused do anything to restore the grave. However through for a while, Metropolitan Filaret again appeared to me and insisted so that his request is granted. He also said that he would come again once it happens before my death. From his words, I realized that Vladyka will become my guide to the afterlife … After that, with with the help of the rector of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, I managed to file Patriarch corresponding note. By order of His Holiness the grave of the mother of Metropolitan Filaret was completely restored. Wherein the tombstone and cross were found exactly where indicated ghost…

… What is this story telling us? The fact that in the afterlife you can get (or only possible) using the conductor. That’s why the spirit of the long-dead metropolitan promised his relative to become escorted for his soul on the way to the kingdom of the dead.

A photo from open sources

First, the soul in the afterlife languishes in “quarantine”

If you analyze a lot of other evidence, you can to conclude that the human soul in the afterlife first gets in a kind of “quarantine zone”. While in her, she is still “alien to angels.”

In this “waiting room” of posthumous being there are no no fun. Between themselves, spirits communicate on telepathic level. Longing for earthly life, they want to return to the living even for moment. But for this, the spirits must seek permission from special “guard”, only he can allow short-term absenteeism “on the sinful earth.” However, this is much better than getting stuck. for some reason between earth and heaven and become a ghost graveyard, castle or home. In this state, the spirit may be for many years and even centuries …

A photo from open sources

… So, the afterlife civilization certainly exists, and get there you can with the help of a personal guard escort. Maybe, such is available to everyone, and maybe only to those who are deserved …

Is there hell in the next world? Like some draw it to us religion (for example, Christianity), most likely, no. True hell manifests itself in a different way. Is it forever to remain on earth in a subtle body, without the ability to go to heaven – is not hell? Like I think a lot of terrible torment. Perfumes are usually only they hint at us without saying anything concrete. Quite possibly, that the sinner experiences hellish torment not in heaven, but on earth – after his rebirth (reincarnation), receiving such a fate, which, as they say, you will not wish for the enemy …

A photo from open sources

That’s all, we don’t know anything more about the afterlife. IN messages about her weak dashed line only approaches to her the doorstep. Of course, there are books whose authors are somehow describe the other world, in particular the book of Michael Newton “The purpose of the soul. Life between lives.” Famous a regression hypnotherapist wrote it based on people’s stories, whom he introduced into hypnosis and in this state awakened from them memory of past lives, including in the afterlife.

Believe it all or not is everyone’s business. Of course, paraphrasing a well-known saying, we can say this: die – will see. By the way, non-religious and spiritual ones like to repeat it more people, and ardent materialists, as if thus resurrecting in their memory of knowledge of past lives and of life in heaven, fearing, nevertheless less, admit to yourself that all this is much more real than ours physical world …

Life time

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