The value of the Alatyr amulet

Since ancient times, the Slavic amulet Alatyr has been the most common solar symbol, personifying the infinity of life.

According to legend, this stone is considered the sacred center of the universe, since Svarog was able to generate a life spark in Alatyr by hitting it with a hammer. Amulets with this symbol will help radically change the life of the owner for the better.

Charm Alatyr


Alatyr-amulet also has lesser known names, like the Eye of the Rod God, the heart of the Universe or the cross of Svarog, and contains the ancient knowledge and experience of ancestors.

In the old days, its main purpose was to communicate with the deities that govern all earthly life.

It is also believed that the Alatyr stone symbolizes the desire for secret knowledge and the transfer of existing experience from sages to beginners.

Outwardly, the symbol looks like a star with eight peaks, with a dot in the very center. Eight rays arose at the merger of the cross of Perun, which symbolizes protection from any evil, and the cross of Veles, reflecting universal harmony.

Among the Slavs, the number eight is filled with mystical properties for a number of reasons:

  • the solar calendar has eight major holidays;
  • a person's life path is subdivided into eight stages, each of them contributes to spiritual changes in the personality.

The presence of the central ninth point is also not accidental and is associated with higher forces – as you know, the mother carries the baby for nine months, and the human body is divided into nine chakras.

Alatyr characterizes the unity of the masculine principle, which symbolizes strength, reliability and endurance, with the feminine principle, which helps to develop intuition and hidden abilities. Outside, the star is framed by a circle symbolizing live fire – its action is aimed at protecting a person from negative energy.

Types of amulet

This talisman comes in two varieties:

  1. Alatyr shield. Possesses strong protective properties, helps to protect the owner from a senseless waste of internal energy, and also to gain self-confidence. At the shield, the rays are evenly distributed in all directions. The amulet will repel all negative thoughts from the owner, returning them to the ill-wisher.
  2. Star of Alatyr. The appearance of this symbol is usually associated with a compass – its rays are directed in all directions of the world. The main purpose of this amulet is to show its owner the right path and help make the right decisions. The amulet will replenish the owner's vital energy and help to find strength to solve any problems.

The best metals for making an amulet for a shield or a star of Alatyr are wood, gold or silver.

Who needs a talisman

The talisman is perfect for both women and men of all ages. Thanks to the mild effect, the Alatyr amulet will become an excellent protective amulet for children. The amulet is characterized by the following action:

  • harmonizes relationships between opposite sexes;
  • protects from evil forces and unkind thoughts;
  • enhances mindfulness and helps unlock hidden potential;
  • heals from diseases, both physical and spiritual.

Regularly wearing a charm in the form of an amulet or embroidery on clothes will help you find happiness and achieve success in all matters. In addition, such a sign on men's clothing gives the owner strength, and makes the fairer sex wiser.

Expert Opinion Yuna Khatun A divine fortune teller It is not recommended to wear the Alatyr amulet for greedy people with evil intentions – the amulet can have a negative impact on the life of such a person.

To protect the house, fill it with positive energy and improve relationships between family members with this symbolism, it is recommended to decorate furniture or dishes in the home with similar symbols, as well as hang a wooden amulet in each room.

Magicians used the Alatyr amulet to strengthen family relations, protect loved ones from various troubles and restore justice. The talisman endowed travelers with prudence and wisdom, bestowed good luck on them in business, protection from thieves and other disasters that await them in their wanderings.

How to use Alatyr

There are several options for using the described amulet. It can be:

  • wear in the form of a ring or pendant;
  • apply to windows or doors in the house;
  • to embroider with satin stitch or a cross, as an independent picture or decoration of clothes and bedding.

In order for the amulet to have a positive effect on the life of the owner, it is important to recharge it daily. To do this, you need to read any prayer, holding the sign in your palms, for 10 minutes. It is important to have a positive attitude while charging the talisman and completely eliminate negative thoughts.

Amulet Alatyr

Before using it, the purchased or donated amulet should be held under running water for an hour to clean it of extraneous energy.

If chips or cracks appear on Alatyr, you need to get rid of it in the near future – this means that the amulet has taken over the troubles intended for you. If the amulet is made of silver or gold, you can not throw it away, but melt it into a new symbol.

Expert opinion Yuna Khatun Ancestor fortuneteller Having lost the amulet, you need to thank the god Svarog – such a loss means that the talisman has expired.

Alatyr will become an irreplaceable amulet for people seeking to gain wisdom and strengthen their connection with God, to receive tips in solving difficult life situations. If you want to protect yourself and loved ones from diseases, as well as strengthen relationships with your soul mate, feel free to purchase this amulet.

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