The video shot confirmed that the Moon is the base aliens

The video made confirms that the Moon is the base of aliensA photo from open sources

It is believed that the moon is generally an artificial interstellar ship – a kind of alien base created (dragged from somewhere Earth) many thousands of years ago. By the way, this is confirmed by the ancients manuscripts, for example, of the Sumerians, telling that the moon “suddenly was born “, but before she was not in the sky …

This is probably why the tireless ufologist George Graham, leading on YouTube hosting Streetcap1 channel, constantly looking at photos and videos dedicated to Selena, proof of just that postulate: the Moon is not a natural satellite of our planet, but just a well-organized base (or platform) for monitoring our civilization. And this observation (study) continues already many millennia.

For example, a ufologist constantly finds on the surface of the moon various buildings, mostly already dilapidated, but these ruins are all it is equally impossible to confuse with the natural landscape of the satellite. Maybe, once upon a time there were specialized buildings that unknown reason we were left and therefore came with time unusable. However, they still look man-made. With this Thousands of subscribers to Streetcap1 video channel.

As evidence that the moon is well settled by aliens, George Graham invites you to watch another video, by the way, published by NASA on its official website, on which the ufologist found something interesting – a moving dark object.

If you enlarge the video, George writes, you can distinguish the flat, rounded shape of this UFO. I have no doubt that it is an alien origin apparatus. Strange that its not noticed the staff of the American space agency, otherwise we do not see this “little gift.” Can you imagine how many interesting finds are stored in NASA archives inaccessible ordinary people? If all this were declassified, then the moon would have become for us more understandable, even in terms of answering the question, why the great powers of the USA and the USSR suddenly stopped it be interested in?

Indeed, why the Russians and the Americans were scared, so zealously bursting in due time to the moon? What they finally found there that instantly cooled their hot fervor? The answer, in general, obvious, but so far so formally not voiced …

NASA Moon Time

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