A photo from open sources
Why do aliens fly to Earth? What do they want from us? It turns out that the answers to these questions already exist. Back in 1993 they were received by a group of enthusiasts – military scientists and researchers from Ministry of Defense of the USSR, having made contact with an alien civilization. The reports on this contact will form the basis of the book “Rendezvous in the Universe, “on which the lieutenant general of the reserve is now working A. Yu. Savin and former officer of the legendary 9th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, and now president of the National Bodyguard Association (NAST) Russia D.N. Fonarev, who in an interview spoke about contacts humanity with extraterrestrial civilizations. – Dmitry Nikolaevich, Is the contact dreamed by science fiction and scientists held? – We are not writers, not journalists and not ufologists, we are – professional military. We firmly know what reliable information, and we bear certain responsibility for our words and actions. The contact you are asking for has been organized enthusiastic scientists – specialists from the USSR Ministry of Defense in the middle 1993 in Moscow. – How did this happen? – The contact itself was carried out by ordinary immersion in a state of altered consciousness. Data was recorded by automatic writing. The operators were led by the military, primarily I was interested in the very possibility and prospects of such communication. -Why did you decide to tell the public about this contact, Is this classified strategic information? – because in this is no longer of strategic importance. By more work was carried out proactively: no one instructed the researchers spend. Only methods for establishing contacts were worked out, and for real work, appropriate means are needed, material support and, importantly, expression of will leadership of the country. Moreover, the main purpose of our book is not talk about aliens, and reveal part of the preparatory works on nocosmology – a philosophical tool that allows explain what is happening around us and throughout the universe. -Contact in 1993 brought new scientists to the USSR knowledge, technology, scientific experience? – No bets were made on it, since only the contact method and criteria were worked out assessment of its reliability. Nevertheless, I am sure: this contact brought us invaluable knowledge and experience, to some extent helped understand the structure of the universe. We got some interesting practical advices, however, are difficult to implement at present. By and large account information was for guidance only. About scientific technology immediately ask somehow impolite. – This contact was one-time or further relations with aliens were supported? – Judging by the reports underlying our books, contactees told us everything they thought was necessary. For The resumption of communication requires reasons and conditions. Neither the first nor we don’t have second ones today. – The aliens told why they fly to earth? – Oh sure. For all kinds of observations, conducting a wide range of experiments, sampling air, soil and water. – They really fly on plates, as eyewitnesses say? – Describe the ships of our neighbors by space can be anything you like: they have the ability to change shape. The material from which the aircraft devices are made allows they take any shape. As for the simpler ships “then – yes, these are the same notorious plates. In general the variety of forms of flying devices is determined by the variety goals, opportunities and, of course, the intelligence of each of the existing civilizations. – And you managed to find out what fuel is running their aircraft? – As far as I understand, they don’t have concepts of “fuel”, but there is the concept of “energy”. They just can manage energies in the direction they need. We have it so far inaccessible, and precisely because of a misunderstanding of the structure of the Universe and ignorance of cosmic laws. Scientists on our planet are limited fundamental sciences, which prevents them from advancing in research. – How do guests from the stars relate to earthlings? -Differently. Someone is very welcoming and friendly. Someone indifferent, but someone is very annoyed by the spiritual and energy degradation taking place on earth. Aliens don’t divide us into race, religion, do not make discounts on age and gender. They are perceive and respond to humanity as a whole. – known from What kind of star system do they fly to us? – From everywhere. Distances for them practically do not matter. They are driven only need. According to data obtained from the energy information field The universe, on Sirius, there are about fourteen civilizations: from plasma formations to silicon gratings. By the way, they are very treat us well. Moreover, since our planetary the systems are somehow interconnected, a disaster, erupted on Earth, awaken to life a destructive process and on Sirius. But there are also civilizations that simply do not consider need to fly to us … – The aliens who came in contact, reported how many total alien civilizations exist in space? And which of them look at the Earth? – Earth visited more than a billion intelligent civilizations, and more than once. So that the number of visits can be safely tripled. Recently our neighbors in space appear on Earth more often. As far as I understand, this is due to our interest in them, and not vice versa. As for the exact number of universal civilizations, then, believe me, this knowledge absolutely immaterial and useless. – Than the body of aliens different from human? – To everyone. Although the chemicals themselves the elements are almost the same. The body parts are also about the same when it comes to the so-called humanoids. Here are the descriptions given in the reports: “… Outwardly, we are very similar to you. But skin color is different. It is pink and purple. The skin itself is more glossy and smooth. “Others described themselves as follows:” Outwardly, we look like you, but we don’t have hair and eyebrows, eyes are big, nose is completely small, mouth larger than yours, and lips are bulging. Color of the skin pink-lilac, with a touch of red or copper. Arms and legs – like you. Height is approximately one and a half meters in women, in men a little smaller. But proportionality is maintained. Head is small, shoulders just above yours, there’s almost no neck. “- What should people do if do they suddenly meet with a humanoid? – More likely not they meet, but they will be found. And it’s not humanoids, but rather biorobots or universal holograms: similar meetings for higher the development of civilizations is not too relevant. If this is still should happen, you should probably try to figure out what humanoids want, and then if possible carry out “business negotiations. “But you shouldn’t generate threats, even mentally. – But it seems that not only fly to Earth humanoids … – Of course not. Each civilization is individual in its development, and therefore, in its embodiment. According to reports, some aliens can even change their physical forms. But while the energy component remains unchanged. – you Do you know what really happened in Roswell? – We searched the answer to this question is not in alien civilizations, but in energy information field. There was a catastrophe, the remains of pilots – biorobots. And here is a widely publicized post-mortem test by the Americans – pure innuendo. That is all that interested us. -The aliens did not talk about the ancient civilizations of the Earth – about hyperboreans or atlantes? – Yes there is no sense of them about it to ask! What will change if we find out who built the pyramids? At us what – immediately crime will decrease or inflation will stop grow? – What do you think, when the governments of the largest world Powers officially announce the contact of earthlings and aliens? -Most likely not soon. Yes, and how can I declare contact with plasmoid? Any president will look like an idiot if he says that his state “has established contact with an alien mind.” Yes and what will change from this? The contact was and is, it’s just today comprehended to the end and established “official communication channels.” Not diplomatic, but energy information. But communication is only available chosen people worthy of space laws. – How do you think the plot of the film “Men in Black” is a fantasy or veiled reality? – This is just an interesting movie, and all. However, the phenomenon that ufologists call “people in black”, exist. But that’s not what you think, and it’s not acting like that, as you imagine. These are energy formations that neutralize processes that are contrary to cosmic laws. To avoid contact with them, leave a UFO study to professionals. – Is it worth humanity to seriously fear alien invasion? “You only need to fear yourself.” I’m afraid that aliens, unfortunately, will not have time to intervene in our self destruction. Compare the rate of climate change, level deficit of fresh water and the active movement of the earth’s crust that has begun and you will see that the apocalypse caused by the struggle of people for survival is just around the corner. Add to that a drop in morals and spirituality crisis – and get a picture that will make you forget about the UFO problem. Of course, the invasion, as Herbert represented it Wells in War of the Worlds, cannot be. Theoretically acceptable some influence. But this is contrary to the laws of space. No one an outsider does not have the right to interfere in the processes of evolution of others civilizations. Earth, rather, can expect help. But she of course will not be like humanitarian parcels. – Did you manage to find out anything about the appearance of man on earth? – In short, then people appeared in the process of interaction of energies. Physical form – the human body – was required for the evolution of that substance, which we call the soul. Aliens in their classic sense of us they could not create, since the Highest Mind created them themselves – that in churches, pagodas and mosques are called God … So we all created by God. I think this answer will be more understandable to readers. – A Do aliens have the concept of God or Higher powers? – But as so! Developed civilizations have long understood the true model of the universe and are in constant conscious contact with the Higher forces. Only our neighbors in the universe do not have the concept of “God.” They call everything things and phenomena in their own names. Change the term “God” to “Supreme reason “- and you will get a single understanding of the universal energy information hierarchy. Earth is the manger of the universe, therefore God lives in her tales. Consciousness, as you know, begins develop a little later – in the lower grades of the school. -The greatest earthly messiahs were aliens or still earthlings? – I do not quite understand what kind of savior the messiah is all about time in question? If this is Jesus, then he was a great man, but one person cannot save all of humanity. It is possible that the saviors were what the Hindus call avatars. That is, they “sat” on the energy-information channel, doing miracles and striking the imagination of contemporaries, for which they were exalted. But they don’t could not be aliens due to the lack thereof necessary. It can be said even simpler: they were incarnations souls close to God, and performed a specific mission – consciously and selflessly. – Is there a common cosmic government coordinating the lives of various civilizations? – I I can only guess: it probably exists. But it works again in accordance with the laws of outer space and in constant interaction with the Higher forces of the universe. But control “officials” of such a government are not life itself, but evolutionary order. Everything that is in harmony with the general laws of space, no need to coordinate. This is precisely what Nocosmology explains. -What do you think when humanity can become full-fledged a member of the space family? – We are so full-fledged. Only thing that we use our rights, caring about material blessings and leveling spiritual. Namely, spiritual wealth is valued other civilizations above all. If we remembered not only about their rights, but also about the obligation to develop in harmony with space, everything would be different. See what happens. we we understand that our planet is dying, and therefore, we, together with it, and still we are waiting for the savior, the messiah. Be it even green man, even a plasmoid – if only he would give technology, knowledge, restored ecological balance! .. Alas, the aliens themselves they say that, in principle, we can help, but our spirituality (according essence – energy), which we destroy ourselves, they are not in able to reanimate. And if so, then everything else has meaning. Well, they will give us knowledge. For example, open secrets receiving new energy. Where are the guarantees that we will not blow up the earth ball? In the Universe, we are equal, but according to the level of development, judging by everything earthlings are below all cosmic civilizations. From here and problems in contacts, and most importantly, in understanding what is happening. Necessary get rid of the stereotype “man is the king of nature.” And of course, abandon the idea of their uniqueness in the universe. We are only her part. And they must live by its laws! I agree with Tsiolkovsky: when earthlings have reached the highest level of spiritual maturity, need in the corporeal shell will fall away, and people, going into the etheric state, will begin to take part in managing the development processes of our Universe as its full members.
Water Time Universe Life Pyramids Russia USSR Evolution