A photo from open sources
According to Yuri Golubev, one of the archaeologists, strange the find was found 230 km from a village called Tigil, and tourists were the first to pay attention to it. When archaeologists arrived to the indicated place, a mysterious sight appeared before their eyes: an incredible mechanism equipped with hundreds of gear cylinders, who, despite their considerable age, were in excellent condition. Soon, however, a special control of the area was needed, since there were large groups who wanted to stare at amazing find. A group of archaeologists from St. Petersburg, working in Kamchatka, fossilized remains were discovered strange mechanism. Experts believe that the age of details unknown machine is about 400 million years old Russian experts consulted with colleagues from the United States who Having examined the fossils, they also came to the conclusion that they undoubtedly are part of some unknown machine. Archaeologists believe that discovered parts for such a long period did not collapse rather all because they were “canned” in one of the swamps. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that gear cylinders petrified in a very short (by geological standards) interval time. As you know, modern science gives rise to of man much later than 400 million years ago, therefore, scientists hypothesized that the petrified mechanism with most likely not related to the “handiwork” of earthlings, and belongs to the representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations who visited once upon a time our planet.