Three in one: cigar-shaped UFO, molehill and alien in Boeing

Three in one: cigar-shaped UFO, wormhole and alien inA photo from open sources

Everyone interested in ufology is already used to reading on the Internet. news about the appearance of alien aircraft that fixed at different ends of our planet, often at the very incredible places (diving, for example, into the vents of volcanoes, being in the epicenter of a tornado and so on), and demonstrate amazing forms their “spaceships”.

Quality UFO Video

For example, a Brazilian recently managed to make a very high-quality shooting a cigar-shaped alien apparatus. First, myself the camcorder, apparently, was branded, and secondly, the flight this UFO was slow, which allowed him to remove very decently, due to which the object (obviously of extraterrestrial origin) can be considered in detail.

Alien on the plane

However, it turns out that humanoids may be present among us, remaining invisible to our vision, and flying through this reason even in the most ordinary terrestrial passenger aircraft.

At least, such a conclusion is prompted by a case that occurred the other day with a resident of the city of Kurgan, who was flying on an airplane “Boeing”, and during this tiring flight decided from nothing do take a selfie.

A photo from open sources

And all would be fine, but when the girl looked at home, what did she have it turned out, she was in extreme confusion. The fact is that her cell phone’s camera captured a mysterious humanoid, who flew on the same plane while in his cabin with regular passengers.

The girl claims that she is out of purely female curiosity (who same flies with her) examined the interior, but did not notice anything unusual, except for two pretty guys. And then it suddenly the monster “crawled out in the frame.” It’s just scary …

A photo from open sources

UFO Teleportation Video

The Japanese even posted an even more amazing video, who claims to be able to capture like an alien the ship leaves Earth through a temporal-spatial portal, then eat through the mole hole. Ufa scientists have long been proving that you can travel in the Universe only through such portals, which are capable of carrying material bodies, i.e. interplanetary ships instantly at any distance. And now, it seems, finally captured the moment of such a transition.

Portals Aircraft

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