Three luminous UFOs escorted an airliner

Three luminous UFOs accompanied the airlinerPhotos from open sources of

The American, flying July 26 from Chicago to Los Angeles, became witness to a very unusual phenomenon. According to the man, when the airliner was over Nevada, in the window of the plane suddenly three luminous UFOs of fairly large became visible sizes.

Unidentified flying objects moved in a row and, throughout appearances, accompanied the aircraft earthlings. Our hero, surprised by this, took a closer look and noticed a small white light flashing periodically ahead and ahead “flying saucers”.

Passenger hurried to get a mobile phone and capture the alleged alien ships on video. According to our hero, the mysterious the lights were available to his gaze for about 5-6 minutes, then just as sharply disappeared somewhere. The flight, fortunately, passed without any incidents.

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