Photos from open sources of
The other day, a user of YouTube video hosting under the name Scott K. Waring – the famous American ufologist published on the site a record that shows three mysterious orange objects, soaring over the Baltic Sea near the Russian border. By According to the author of the publication, the video was shot who wished to stay by an anonymous person on August 5 of this year, however on the Internet it hit just now.
Unidentified flying objects hover over some time water, and then completely disappear into the air. According to Waring, the record was made during sunset, which is the best time for a UFO video hunt. “When the sun sets over the horizon, all unidentified flying objects found in the Earth’s atmosphere, seen especially well thanks to such lighting conditions, “- writes American.
Orange balls have attracted the attention of world ufologists. Many experts who studied the record concluded that it was with a large most likely not subjected to installation. Moreover, researchers are sure that such intense glow could not be caused by a rare atmospheric phenomenon, unmanned balloons or pyrotechnic products. Perhaps an anonymous user Network managed to remove the aircraft representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations.
Everything that is connected with Russia, as you know, inspires residents the Western world is a real thrill. Therefore there is nothing surprising in that many so-called experts who watched UFO videos suggested that the recording captures the trials of some secret Russian innovation in the military sphere. However, any arguments in favor of their theory, such people bring to this moment can not. And Russian ufologists completely deny this possibility, because about any military trials anyway they would know.
Time Scott Waring