For a long time, magicians and sorcerers of many peoples of the world have used birds for mystical rituals, curses, fortune-telling. Therefore, the knock of a tit on glass is so alarming for a person.
But do not rush to think of a bad omen when you notice a tit that knocks on the window, because omens most often work the way a person perceives them. And the titmouse is called the 'bird of happiness', there is a reason to concentrate your emotions on this charming birdie.
What the birds carry with them
Modern people have an opinion that birds are a symbol of the soul of dead people. The feathered one knocking on the window is perceived as a bearer of news from the world of the dead. Winged beings are credited with a connection with the subtle world. They travel great distances, and can be messengers of heaven to earth.
Superstitions make you tremble with a harbinger of trouble when a bird knocks on the window. This is always taken as a warning of change. But different species of birds bring different news.
Crows and cuckoos report the tragic outcome of cases.
And if a titmouse knocks on the window, this may be an omen of different events, more often good ones, but there are also bad omens.
Good omens
Many omen experts attribute yellow-breasted birdies to heralds of positive change. If you are interested in what the titmouse knocks on the window for, think about different areas of life. Perhaps you are expecting:
- Building relationships in the family. Tits are distinguished by nepotism. A couple of birds may even refuse access to food for a while. Just to be alone.
- Improving the financial situation. The industrious 'nimble' bird manages to get as much food per day as it weighs itself, so the titmouse transfers energy.
- Adding a family. If a bird that manages to raise 2 broods of chicks in a season knocks on the window, perhaps a baby will soon appear in your house.
Lovely birdies are true keepers of the hearth, because they get along well with people.
In captivity, tits live up to 15 years, and in the wild they can live only 2-3 years.
But do not try to put a titmouse in a cage, it is better to treat the birdie with seeds, and in winter – lard, and wait for good events.
Bad omens
If a titmouse beats through the window, it can be perceived that a representative of the afterlife is looking for contact with the living, wants to 'equip' a corridor along which someone from the living will follow. The sign prophesies: death, tears, fast funeral. Tragic events do not necessarily happen to your close relatives. Neighbors, coworkers, or just people you know may be in trouble.
Unfortunately, the omen works. If a tit fought at your window, and after that you received an invitation to a funeral or learned about the death of someone, then the next time a bird beating in the window will bring the same news.
There are less tragic signs. The knocking of a tit can predict financial losses, theft, and an unwise investment of money. Keep track of jewelry, and do not make rash manipulations with material resources.
Do not rush to prepare for mourning if the titmouse knocks on the window and at the same time squeaks demandingly. Perhaps the bird is begging for food. Don't think bad, just feed her.
There are other objective reasons why titmice start banging against glass.
How to prevent trouble
Hearing the knock of a bird on the window, some people experience discomfort, despite the logical explanations for the bird's behavior. They start thinking about death and tears, looking closely at relatives, listening to their own body. Instead of thinking about what to expect negative, it is worth taking measures against the alleged misfortune, neutralizing the predictions of omens.
Here's what you can do after a titmouse has knocked on a window:
- If the knock was persistent and the bird continues to beat against the glass, and there is no apparent reason for this event, gather with the residents and leave the house for a walk for a couple of hours or longer. You can take your pets with you. The trouble, knocking on the window, will see that there is no one in the house, will think the wrong address, and will leave. And when you return, let the cat into the house in front of you, as if you are moving into a new home.
- If the titmouse's anxiety is caused by an attack by a cat or dog, drive the animals away, do not let the titmouse eat. The offense of the 'bird of happiness' will surely bring trouble.
- The bird that knocked on the window got agitated, wash it and sprinkle it with holy water.
- Believers should go to church, remember their relatives who have not been remembered for a long time, light a candle for the health of all relatives and friends.
- You can also perform a cleansing ritual. Walk around the house counterclockwise with a lit church candle.
- The scarlet ribbon is a reliable remedy against the trouble that “arrives” on the wings of birds. Work with family members to tie red ribbons to the window that the bird hit.
- Rowan branches with bright berries are an excellent talisman that will decorate the window and protect the house from adversity.
- If you assume that the titmouse prophesied monetary losses to you, pay off the difficulties with 'little blood'. Feed the bird and go to the crossroads, where you throw out some coins.
Titmouses often hit the window and haunt? Examine the frame from the outside. It is possible that colonies of insects have started in the cracks, which need to be eliminated. And the birds don't tell you anything bad, they just get their own food.