In mid- May 2006, the UK Department of Defense published a report allegedly debunking the myth of the existence of UFOs and their use for military purposes. Photo from open sources “A document of almost 500 pages was drawn up in 1996-2000 and had the signature stamp Secret – only for use in the UK. However six years later, in According to the Freedom of Information Act, the report was declassified. English Hacker Framed Pentagon “The study was not aimed at establishing a fact extraterrestrial life, but nonetheless we can confirm that evidence of the existence of such a life is not found was, “the British defense department said. According to the findings the English military, in all cases when people talked about the appearance of unusual objects and phenomena could be found rational explanation. For example, it was the lights of planes, meteors and some atmospheric phenomena. The report also states that neither one of the UFO reports received by the Ministry of Defense is not contained values for military intelligence, and therefore in December 2000 year, it was decided to stop processing such information. Almost simultaneously with the publication of the report of the Ministry of Defense Of the UK in an English court began a hearing on extradition to the US by Gary McKinnon, a British hacker who was arrested by Scotland Yard after he managed to hack computer networks of NASA and the Pentagon. “On the eve of Gary McKinnon’s trial BBC interview says he searched in secret files photographic evidence of the existence of aircraft and extraterrestrial sources of energy. I was looking for hidden technologies called UFO technologies. I think this is the biggest secret in because they usually laugh at it, but it’s very important thing, ”said Gary McKinnon. “” To the question of how he managed get to what he was looking for at NASA and the Pentagon, computer ac answered: Unlike what the press stuffs us with, all this was not too smart. I searched for empty passwords, I wrote a tiny Perl program that connects other people’s programs that also searched for empty passwords, and in just eight minutes 65 thousand cars could be scanned. “” According to him, he I’ve been in these computers for a couple of years and nobody has been using it all this time noticed because he did this at certain hours. I constantly juggled with a time difference. Came in at night hoping that there are not many people. “” “McKinnon said that as a result of computer searches, I discovered a group called Project Exposure. They published a book in which 400 eyewitness accounts – from civilian air traffic controllers to military radar operators and up to the guys deciding whether to launch or not launch nuclear missiles. “” These are very responsible people who you can believe, and they all say: there is UFO technology, there is antigravity, there is free energy, and it extraterrestrial in origin, and we caught a ship and examined it far and wide. “” “” One of these people is a NASA expert in the field of photographs, ”continues McKinnon,“ said that in building N8 Johnson Space Center they regularly corrected images UFOs made by high-resolution satellite cameras. She I said this: we had folders called filtered and not filtered, processed and crude. I pulled one picture from folders. “” It was an image of something that definitely wasn’t made by man. It hung over the earth’s hemisphere. It looked like like a satellite. In the form of a cigar – and such geodesic domes above, below, left, right and on both sides of it, and although the picture was low resolution, it was made obviously with a very short distance. This thing dangled in space, under it you can see the earth’s hemisphere – and no riveting, no seams, nothing like that, which is associated with normal human production. “The hacker a copy of the picture was not saved, because when it was found in network, the picture immediately disappeared. In response to statements by Gary McKinnon representatives of the American aerospace agency denied information that edited pictures in order to enter the public is misleading, and stressed that NASA policy consists in openness. In addition, as the agency added, it does not has direct evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life. Disaster at Port Sheperston From the foregoing should to follow that UFOs, as a phenomenon, exist, however actual evidence of his presence on Earth is neither English nor the US military does not have! What then is regular and all corners of the world see ordinary people in the sky who are not connected military secret, and therefore without embellishment telling about what become witnesses Here are just some of the evidence recorded by the media in the first half of the year 2006 year. February 4th From 11 pm to 5 am numerous eyewitnesses observed five unidentified objects over Milan. initially observers mistook these fixed objects for stars, however objects changed shape and color over time. Despite coverage of the event by Italian press and television is still not versions have been proposed that can explain this phenomenon. Mid March. According to local media, residents of the Himalayas Tarai Indian region, as well as representatives Indian forces report observing unusual flying objects in this region. Mysterious performance, they said, lasted for several days. At the same time, some pilots reported strange interference with the equipment. They also the secret was added that they saw strange flying objects near Himalayas near the border with China. According to eyewitnesses, objects moved without sound and could rise vertically without gravity effect. All UFOs also appear suddenly simultaneously gone. As one Tibetan monk living in these locations, similar phenomena have been observed in these areas since 1998, with since the start of the Indian nuclear program weapons. According to some scientists from the Indian Center Geological Survey, UFO sightings recorded in this area area of 100 square meters. km regularly for the last 18 months. how says a number of ufologists, extraterrestrial beings from the constellation K-9 will land on our planet and will make themselves felt in 2012. At that while the governments of India and China did not disclose more detailed information about what happened and say that flying objects are military intelligence. 5 May. Classic UFO sighting case registered in the eastern part of Riga. According to the shocked eyewitnesses, Riga residents, Inara and Dzintars P., in the evening about 22 hours, while in their apartment, their attention was attracted by a strange glowing object in the sky above the house. “The object was a low flying disk-shaped object rotating around its axis. Bottom the object was black, blue and bright scarlet lights flickered around the perimeter. The lights flashed alternately. Top managed to consider yellowish the color of the dome, which was pulled together by four black arcs. Was heard sound like -hhhhhhhhhh. “According to witnesses, the object flew literally over the roofs of houses at a fairly high speed. Total time observation did not exceed 5 -10 seconds, after which the object disappeared behind corner of the house. Eyewitnesses claim that the object could not be confused with a helicopter, airplane, airship or advertising object. By the way there was no interference on the working TV during the appearance of the UFO. “22 May. Residents of the south african city of port shepherston have become witnesses of how an incomprehensible aircraft crashed into the sea. According to local authorities, in the area of the alleged incident no activities were carried out that could be related to the incident also reported no missing or injured plane crash. However, no explanation for the incident, which many people witnessed, the authorities could not give. ” The teachers and students became eyewitnesses of the unexplained phenomenon. Port Shepherston High School, which is located on coast. The crash was also observed by local fishermen who time were at sea. All of them unanimously tell one and the same story: a flying object, followed by a long train smoke crashed into the sea, holding up a huge column of water. Some eyewitnesses They also claim to have seen flames engulfing the apparatus. how only information appeared about the collapse of an unidentified object, local rescue services immediately began a search operation. The area within 12 nautical miles of the coast has been explored with using aircraft, but nothing was found. Specialists suggest that perhaps a similar effect could give the weather conditions – it is known that rare weather or astronomical phenomena often provoke rumors about UFOs, aliens and others mysterious incidents. However, a huge amount of evidence eyewitnesses suggests that the crash is indeed happened. June 29-30. In the last two days of June, Chinese Xinjiang province experienced a real “invasion” of unidentified flying objects. As the Dushi Xiaofei Chenbao newspaper reported, residents of several Xinjiang counties observed mysterious in the sky luminous objects moving with great speed. First The message came from the city of Kuitun. Was seen in the sky luminous object of circular shape, moving quickly from the east to the west. After a few seconds, the glow disappeared. Nearly at the same time, a UFO flight was recorded over the city of Usu. According to eyewitnesses, the strange object had four light sources, which are constantly spinning. He flew, according to the newspaper, at altitude 3-5 km. He was watched for only a minute. Then he disappeared. Over Urumqi – the capital of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of the PRC – also saw a UFO in the shape of a ball. Official authorities from comments abstain In Russia and the CIS countries, fortunately, disasters like the South African were not observed, however the appearance of UFOs in the sky was also repeatedly recorded. Mid Martha. Working on a new painting in a remote area Leningrad region, director Philip Yankovsky managed to shoot on camera flight of an unidentified space object. To be precise, the flying saucer was removed by the main operator of the picture, but all those present on the set unanimously confirmed: this there was definitely a UFO! Everyone was so amazed at what they saw that continuation of work could not be considered. When an object disappeared from the field view, everyone rushed to the monitor to watch the recording and make sure that this was not a mass hypnosis session. Filming the group enthusiastically discussed unique frames. “A fragment of a unique we’ll definitely put in the picture, “said Yankovsky. 24 Martha. In the evening, from about 20.00 to 20.40, in Priozersk and An unidentified flying object was observed in the Priozersky district. Six-seven lights with a bright glow, lined up in the form of a ring, located in the Ladoga area and stood in one place. Object is frozen at an altitude of about 500 meters above the ground and slowly turning in horizontal plane around its axis, due to which the impression that the balls are moving and changing their configuration. That and it was possible to observe how they approached this ring extra lights, but they went out, not reaching. Or vice versa, from the rings flew out the lights and also went out after a while the way. From time to time it seemed that from individual balls in the north the direction emitted dull rays of yellow. Periodically to separate objects were approaching from the southeast at high speed dull yellow balls that drastically reduced speed, flying up to object, and went out. Several observers contacted by cell phones, at the same time saw an object from the villages of Krotovo, Repair, Sinevo and Sudakovo Priozersky district. After about half an hour after the start of observations, the balls began to go out one after another. About an hour over the site of the appearance of the object fighters began to fly, rather total raised from the air base in the village of Gromovo. Similar object and previously observed in this place in the evenings, while acting like this same, witnesses say. No comments about this no events were received from the military or from the authorities of Priozersk. “May 4. An unusual phenomenon was observed by the inhabitants of Surgut: a luminous ball moved along a trajectory not characteristic of airplanes and satellites. As reported in the television and radio company Ugra, unique photo and videotapes were made by eyewitnesses who at the same time were in different parts of the city and district. Closer to midnight people noticed that a luminous object hovered above the ground. Lasted about three minutes stationary, he’s on big speed began to move away. Now experts are trying to find out the origin of the mysterious apparatus. “May 20. Resident of Tashkent, an employee of the Research Institute of Virology and the head of the National Center Ravshan Rakhimov was able to photograph the UFO. – It occurred in a recreation area located in the mountains, kilometers in fifty from Tashkent. After breakfast I went for a walk and take pictures of local views, ”says Rakhimov. weather was clear, not a single cloud in the sky. Among others, I took a picture and a tree growing on a rock, and at the same time did not notice anything suspicious. Returning to Tashkent and copying the pictures to computer, I suddenly saw an unusual spot in the sky, next to a tree. In the enlarged photo I saw an object, very similar to the classic UFO description, only blurry. I became enlarge the rest of the pictures and saw some more obscure spots not like natural. A famous ufologist in the republic, physicist-astronomer by profession, former head Central Asian ufological expedition Valery Ivanets, having studied the pictures taken by Rakhimov confirmed that, most likely, the amateur photographer was really lucky, and in the pictures – a UFO. -The captured object is clearly of an anthropogenic property, that is, not atmospheric phenomenon, but something created by some kind of mind, or terrestrial or extraterrestrial, ”says Ivanets. – In this case, the object has pronounced plate-shaped, disc-shaped form, which often The largest influx of UFOs in Uzbekistan occurs in the early 90s years. After the collapse of the Union, many negative processes took place, and other civilizations were very worried. Then just a huge number of their ships began to plow in the sky above ours territory. There was a huge amount of evidence. In the mid 90s there was a lull, and now again increased activity is felt visits by other civilizations. “June 2. In the Moscow region Brateevo around 23:00 several appeared in the night sky unidentified flying objects (three luminous balls) that District residents watched for about 20 minutes. After this period the object has disappeared. Witnessed this unusual phenomenon Student Truth correspondent who managed to do Some photos. The press service of Domodedovo Airport (the nearest airport to the UFO observation area) refrained from comments, citing that they do not have any information on this occasion. “I decade of June. Opening of the holiday season in Mariupol was marked by a whole UFO invasion. All first week in the summer, townspeople reported armadas of unidentified flying objects, appearing even in the daytime over the coastal city. Meanwhile radar stations did not spot anything supernatural.
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