Two UFOs captured live on the TV channel KOIN 6 News

Two UFOs captured live on KOIN 6 NewsA photo from open sources

Live on KOIN 6 News, a subsidiary CBS in Portland Oregon USA during a news broadcast on something mysterious appears in the background slipped away from the attentive gaze of the ufologists who saw this “small incident” flight of two UFOs.

At first glance, of course, this fleeting heavenly flash can be taken as a meteorite fall, however, when repeated and, especially, when watching video in slow motion, it’s noticeable that the flight path mysterious objects (and there are clearly two of them) do not correspond directly to the descending line, which is typical for cosmic bodies burning in Earth’s atmosphere. UFOs go upward along the curve, while it hits them speed and synchronization of flight.

Note that UFOs are not the first time accidentally hit the lens cameras during live television, from here ufologists make their conclusion:

Various devices constantly scurry over our planet aliens that tens of thousands of people see with their own eyes every year, some of the witnesses manage to take off these mysterious flights in the sky. But the most surprising: UFOs increasingly began to come across in direct Broadcasting of numerous TV channels. Randomly or aliens they show something to us, they want to convey something to a wide to the public? It seems that the latter is not without reason, because governments and military of almost all countries of the world are silent about that aliens have long been here. It seems earthlings are gradually prepare for the long-awaited contact with a different mind …

A photo from open sources

Whether it’s true or not, we suggest you watch the moment when UFOs fly live against a leading news channel KOIN 6 News, and draw your own conclusions. As one of commentators of this video, perhaps the aliens are just flew to Portland to enjoy its environmental friendliness or look at musical, theatrical events, of which in this a great American city passes a great many, but because to draw conclusions from this on a planetary scale is by no means worth it. And in UFO camera lens got, presumably, purely by accident …


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