Two UFOs collided in Crimea. Video

A bright ball “emerged” from the Simferopol reservoir Two UFOs collided in Crimea. VideoPhotos from open sources A video appeared on YouTube in which allegedly captured the flight of two UFOs in the Crimea. The video has already scored more than 6 thousand views. “Events unfolded in the early morning of November 21. Vladislav Streltsov noticed how a bright ball “emerged” from Simferopol reservoir and headed to a ten-story building (building number 2 TNU, popularly referred to as the “Candle”). At the same time over the building hung a second object. After rapprochement of the balls, blazed bright light – and the objects disappeared, “comments the video that posted it user Aleksey Loktev. Some commentators accused the author in editing, they say – video fake. Smorie, and conclusions must be do it yourself:


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