A photo from open sources
The Pentagon commented on the appearance of UFOs over California.
The US Navy held on Sunday night, November 8th, test launch of the Trident intercontinental ballistic missile II off the southern coast of California.
The Pentagon released the corresponding message after Americans began to contact the police due to an unusual bright a flash in the night sky over California.
“In the framework of strategic naval programs at sea off the south California Coast Planned Rocket Launch Trident II from a nuclear submarine Ohio-class Kentucky, Navy spokesman Ryan said Perry He added that “the rocket was uncharged and launched with submarines. “It is noted that the launch of the rocket caused a stormy reaction of citizens USA in social networks. Users have put forward various versions of it could be: a comet, a UFO, or a huge shooting star. According to representative of the Navy, they usually do not announce test launches rockets. US missiles