UFO: Archons Pyramid Over Ohio

A photo from open sources

According to The Canadian, a witness from Westerville (Westerville) Ohio reported seeing “Archon Pyramid” 12 December 2012 The information was presented in an article, published at Examiner.com. The publication referred to the conclusion National UFO Study Network (MUFON, a network studying UFO phenomena with scientific point of view). The witness describes the speed of the object, and also its visual observations. “The ship was moving at speed, which planes usually fly with, but because of the very bright orange by the lights it became clear that this is not a plane. “The witness also says that the object itself approached it. Photo from open sources “When the ship approached, I saw that the lights are tightly aligned and the object is pyramidal shapes, the lights were bright orange and yellow. “However, when the ship completely stopped, the colors of the lights began to change: they were red, blue, green, orange and yellow. “MUFON asks readers to keep in mind that many UFO sightings can be explained scientifically as a natural phenomenon. However last time “archons triangles” are observed around the world. According to research conducted by Dr. John Lash (Lash), Archons as already mentioned in the ancient Gnostic text – Nag Hammadi (Nag Hammadi) are demonic interdimensional beings, who rule human leaders and elites. According to contactee Alex Collier, who he claims to be conducting channeling sessions with alien entities observations of “triangles of archons” are evidence of that the archons themselves seek to return to Earth. Archons led the construction of all the Great Pyramids on Earth, as well as on Mars and on The moon. The goal of the Archons on Earth is to establish tyrannical power and control of humanity, says Collier. Perhaps only with time, we can find out the true reasons for the appearance “triangles of the Archons” and other unidentified flying objects.

Pyramid Time Aircraft

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