UFO as a transport of demons and angels

A photo from open sources

From the beginning of the ufological era, the main hypothesis is the idea of that UFOs and their pilots fly to Earth from other planets, where civilizations of sentient beings have reached a very high level.

most ufologists are of the opinion that intentions aliens are the most benevolent. They just keep track of the level of our development, and when the time comes, they will accept earthlings in “intergalactic federation.” Or maybe they just follow lest we destroy ourselves in the process of world nuclear wars.

As for Orthodox Christianity, clericals cannot suggest any plausible hypothesis regarding UFO origin, they don’t even express themselves unambiguously about the possibilities of extraterrestrial life. However some christian denominations, in particular American Protestants represented by doctors Billy Graham put forward an interesting hypothesis that the UFO angels travel whom God has sent to us.

This idea is shared by the Presbyterian priest Barry Downing, author of Flying Saucers and the Bible. Downing writes: “Angels sent to us to fight the demons in anticipation of the Second the coming of Christ. ”

In 2002, Downing performed on the popular CNN program, where argued that the apocalypse would happen in the next fifty years, and that the invasion of flying saucers just indicates this one.

There is another version that Satan travels on UFOs together with demons. This idea is presented by John Weldon and Zola Levitt in their book: UFO: What Happens on Earth ?, as well as by Dr. Clifford Wilson in “UFO – Mission Impossible.”

The last work was even filmed by one of Hollywood studios, although the tape did not have commercial success. Weldon, Levitt and Wilson also believe that a great battle of forces is coming Good with the forces of Evil, and demons are grouped to fight with By Christ.

Increased abduction is nothing but an attempt. Antichrist steal human souls. Messages that abductants take sperm and eggs, as well as cases where women gave birth from aliens, indicate that Satan trying to create a hybrid race. Creatures resulting from cross demons and humans must become obedient soldiers Antichrist in a decisive battle with God.

Oil was added to the fire by a former employee of the US Department of Defense Gordon Clayton. Major Clayton in due time on duty dealt with the UFO phenomenon and the Roswell incident.

In an interview done shortly before his death in 2000, retired major said: “UFO riddle is rather a question religious philosophy, not a military threat from outer space. I’m sure that still intelligent beings from other planets, if any exist, they haven’t reached us. ”

In 1938, Clayton served as a sailor on a military cruiser. In stop time at pacific american base Gordon got sick tropical fever and for three months lain in delirium.

Visions constantly appeared in his inflamed brain – apocalyptic wars and demons on “plates” very similar to those that appeared in 1947 in Roswell. “Their goal was so as not to put the souls of the righteous into the hands of God, “- interpreted hallucinations young sailor. Major Clayton is sure that in the time of his illness was a struggle and for his soul, the demons tried to make his own servant, but they failed.

Some contactors give very characteristic descriptions. aliens. Mary Kay, an English housewife described her phenomenal experience:

“On November 17, 1998, I returned home at about three in the afternoon. The first thing I saw was a strange circle on the lawn near the house. Inside a circle three meters in diameter, the grass turned yellow and was wet. Entering the house, I felt a strange smell, like a smell incense. The next moment an unusual feeling swept over me – a feeling of spiritual excitement, euphoria, happiness, peace. I saw a creature in white long robes with long light hair. A translucent halo shone around his head, and behind his back semitransparent wings were visible. “Angel!” – it occurred to me think. “Don’t be afraid, Mary, everything will be fine with you,” came the me in the brain. ”

There is other similar evidence from contactees. But there is also evidence that says people have dealt with demons or with some creatures that entered our world from hell.

Francois Mercier, a twenty-year-old driver from Strasbourg described your supernatural experience:

“I went into the garage, it seemed to me that someone was there. In the room was disgusting, reminiscent of the stench from stray dogs. Not immediately, I noticed that a beast was hiding in a corner. So I thought at the beginning. He got up and came up to me. Creature was hairy and had an elongated head, on his head flaunted a strange hat, something like a helmet. “Come with me”, – said the hairy creature. The next instant I heard how with a friend called me on the street. The creature jumped up and spun on location. I suddenly felt weak and fainted. When woke up, my friend Andre leaned over me. Hairy creature the helmet disappeared. ”

A photo from open sources

According to the French ufologist Jacques Valley, Francois met the demon who came to take his soul. This meeting occurred in October 2001. It was during that period in the sky above the suburbs of Strasbourg locals watched a lot of unidentified flying objects, most of them were triangular in shape and appeared in the predawn hours.

Valley believes that demons have long been on Earth. They are busy selection of people genetically suitable for crossbreeding with demons. The representatives of the hybrid race will become slaves of demons and will commit violence against people, foment war and political unrest to make it easier for Satan to seize power over the world.

Activists of the English ufological organization BUFORA also adhere to the demonic origin of UFOs. Former BUFORA chairman Randall Pug investigates the causes mass deaths and strange “surgical” cattle injuries in West Wales in 1987.

Luminous balls hanging in the sky, mysterious, dressed in silver creature costumes peering through the windows of local houses farmers, dead cows with genitalia excised, teleportation animals from one part of the farm to another – that’s what you had to have case to the researcher. All these phenomena are evidenced by the opinion of Pug that supernatural devilish fly to the UFO creatures whose goal is to seize power over people.


Angels War Time

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