A photo from open sources
Gigantic uninhabited expanses of mountains and plains of the Chukchi Peninsulas attracted aliens from outer space. In the territory where can accommodate several states with a hundred and forty thousand people, and even then in certain places, mainly on the coast, there are “niches” the size of many thousands of kilometers, where a man’s foot has not yet set foot. Inaccessibility of Chukotka, its location at the junction of two continents, two oceans and four the seas make this peninsula a unique place to visit UFOs. Of course, due to the vastness of the territory and a small proportion of the population UFO sightings are difficult. Given that in Chukotka winter is long, a very long polar night, when because of darkness and cold, people are forced to stay in indoors, it’s quite clear that cases of a person meeting with a UFO on Chukotka should not be so much. If marked on the map of Chukotka places of human encounters with UFOs, then we will see that “communication” goes like would be around the perimeter of the peninsula. Connecting the Uelen and Wankarem lines, get a rectangle, on the sides of this rectangle and marked meeting with UFOs. Hunters living on the coast of the Arctic ocean – in the small village of Inchon, in Neshkam, Nutepelmen and Vankareme, claim that along the Uelen-Vankarem line passes a certain mysterious track along which strange objects fly. They are fly at different heights, in any weather, completely silently, sometimes glow with many green lights. I was told about several encounters with UFO hunters. I will talk about one, only what was heard from a teacher from Vancarem. Vankarem hunter Etynkeu in December 1989 returned from the hunting site to the village. Ten strong, strong, still young sled dogs cheerfully ran along solid crust. The hunter and his dogs just ate well and rested. There was a long way ahead, but the terrain was familiar, but dogs always run to the house with desire, faster. It was five o’clock in the evening, the moon has not yet ascended, the stars have not lit up. The sky was dark far away. A cold wind was blowing, a little snow was blowing from the side the ocean. The hunter turned his back to the wind, and therefore it was warm and sit comfortably on a sled. Suddenly in the snow ahead of the team as if a flash ran, or rather, a glimpse of the reflection from the northern lights. The hunter threw up his head, hoping to see the usual winter in these places a phenomenon, but saw a strange, dull matte great item. The subject moved silently and, as it seemed to the hunter, very slowly. But the subject was already nearby. Etynkeu loudly shouted at the dogs, demanding to speed up the run. Harness, to the owner’s surprise stopped, the dogs began to squeal slightly go to the snow. The hunter was suddenly drowsy. Eyes themselves stuck together. Asleep, the hunter managed to notice that a strange object hovering over it illuminated the team and the snow with purple with blue light. The hunter woke up quickly. He understood this because that his head with which the malachi rode out when the hunter looked up, did not have time to freeze in such a severe frost. Dogs, staggering, rose, languidly waved their tails, whimpered, leader even howled lingeringly. Within half an hour, the hunter came to his senses. IN the body was tired, aching, as if it had all been crushed. Flaccid were and dogs and did not want to move. Soon pushed by the owner dogs at first slowly, and then more quickly cowered in the snow to village. The hunter’s story did not surprise anyone in the village, like happened to many vancarame hunters. Usually after hunters have severe headaches during such meetings a few days. It should be noted that about mysterious meetings with UFOs Chukchi hunters do not want to especially spread. It’s believed that if we talk about such meetings, they will be frequent and certainly end in trouble. Studying cases of encounters with UFOs known to me on Chukotka, I came to the conclusion that most often UFOs are “in contact” with northerners in December and January, at the break of the year, as well as in spring. IN white nights, when the sun hardly sets, meeting sharply are declining. Perhaps the northerners during the fever of navigation, flyings, putins, when there is a lot of work, not to UFOs or themselves mysterious objects prefer “not to be an eyesore” in the period white polar nights. But there are exceptions. So, the summer before last years, the crew of a vessel located in the area of the village of Ust-Belaya noticed from the deck that cumulus clouds began to gather in a perfect circle, and in in the center of the circle was a clear blue sky. Ship watch Alexander Polorotov, realizing that something mysterious is happening, rushed down to the cabin, behind the camera. After 15 seconds, the watchman was on deck again. He began to click frame by frame. And in the sky something incredible was happening: planes flew out of the circle three to four and dissolved in the clouds. Polorotov previously worked in aviation and was well versed in speed and distance. Visibility was very good, the clouds at this time were moving at high speed to the horizon. About ten times planes appeared and disappeared. Polorotov managed to make a few clicks with the camera, but here the camera started to “junk”. The readiness lamp for shooting stopped working, the film began to translate with difficulty. When A. Polorotov showed the film, I saw in the pictures a cigar-shaped body from which came some kind of radiation, and in the distance there were several black dots. No planes that the entire team of seven saw was in the pictures. In addition, four frames were absolutely clean, like shooting with a closed lens. Talking about meeting with UFOs, A. Polorotov noted: “After all these observations, we felt unwell – weakness, malaise, headache. ” It must be said that UFOs in the Ust-Belaya area were recorded just in side of the mysterious lake Elgygytgyn. About this lake exists a large number of legends and all kinds of mysterious traditions: about the disappearance of people in its vicinity, the appearance of ghosts. There is a legend that a shaman lives in the area of Lake Elgygytgyn, which can fly. This shaman supposedly has a frosty head, and the body is waist naked and shiny. Moreover, in one hand the shaman holds saber, and in another – something similar to the mysterious “winged object.” It is easy to assume that “a frosty head and a shiny nude body “- these are the attributes of a space suit of an astronaut or an alien. Studying the cases of the meeting of the inhabitants of Chukotka with a UFO, I came to the conclusion that in some places “flying saucers” as if posing, freely allow themselves to take pictures. In others, they are invisible and are caught only by devices. And sometimes UFOs “resist” taking pictures: films are lit up, they break unexpectedly cameras. There are even aggressive: catching up aches, headache pain on people. In the winter of 1991, residents of the village of Novoe Chaplino, an employee sawmills Valery Yezhov at 2 am left the guests and saw a ball of fire hovering over a shed. Yezhov quickly ran for “Zenith” and began to click the mysterious luminous ball. In a few minutes the ball rose and shifted to the left, then to the right, as if giving the opportunity for a amateur photographer to take a picture of him. On the at a height of 50-70 meters, two “paws” crawled out on the right side of the ball, the ends of which burned bright lights, and around the UFO itself appeared luminous concentric circles. Standing still, the ball began slowly, then faster and faster to leave. UFO allowed to film himself in half an hour. A resident of New Chaplin made a dozen very clear shots. In the area of Vankarem, Ust-Belaya, Lake Elgygytgyn UFO “catch up” with people ailment. They, as we see, in these places somehow aggressive. Do not want to catch the eyes of UFOs and in the area Anadyr. This New Year’s Eve, a resident of the city Alexander Karachun went out to shoot rocket fireworks over the village of Coal Mine, which the other side of the Anadyr estuary. When he showed the slide, gasped – over UFO hung at the airfield. UFO’s desire to be invisible in the Schmidt area and Anadyr is understandable, here, as you know, there are powerful military aviation units. Perhaps they are afraid of meeting with the military. Why are UFOs so aggressive in the area of Vankarem, Ust-Belaya, Lake Elgygytgyn, it is not clear. These are deaf, completely uninhabited places. Maybe in these remote places there are some UFO bases? Time Aurora Aircraft Snow Dogs