Photo from open sources A partial answer to the riddle, it is possible contain messages scattered in ancient books, annals, chronicles about the mysterious signs of heaven, flying “the glories of God”, “sons Of God “and” angels “descending from heaven. These facts report chroniclers, ancient historians, compilers of the Bible. Collected by them observations make you think. So, for example, ancient Greek historian Plutarch tells how in the 1st century BC in Phrygia (Small Asia) troops famous for their gluttony came together for a decisive battle Roman commander Lucullus and the Spanish rebel Sertorius. The ranks of warriors converged, there was not much left before the collision, and suddenly … suddenly the sky opened and a great fiery a body that rushed down between the two armies. On the “shaving flight” it rushed over the ground itself and again disappeared into the sky. In appearance, it most resembled a wide barrel, and in color – molten silver. Frightened by the sign, opponents parted without a fight. Why aren’t you UFOs? And maybe somewhere in the archives an unknown planet stores the image of Lucullus, captured by equipment “plates” among the harsh Roman legionnaires? .. A similar event Homer describes in The Illiad, narrating the great war between Greeks and Trojans in the 12th century BC During the battle, “bright star sent by Zeus “fell among the fighting regiments, bringing warriors in amazement and making you think: peace or war means is this an amazing sign? UFO reports are also available in medieval chronicles. Benvenuto Cellini, famous Italian Renaissance sculptor and artist, tells how he one evening, together with a friend, he left Florence for Rome. Already it got dark when they climbed the mountains surrounding the city. Turning around, they both cried out in amazement: “God of heaven, that Does it hang over Florence? It’s like a big log of fire, which sparkles and emits bright light! .. “Russian annals reports: January 25, 1677 at the seventh hour of the night happened in Ustyug Great terrible fire, from which the entire city center disappeared into flame. And suddenly in the midst of the fire over the church of St. Barbara appeared something huge, like the moon, and stood motionless above the blazing city for two hours. And then quickly ascended and disappeared into the NLB. All the chroniclers of antiquity describing the UFO phenomena were not found suitable comparisons. They saw “like a keg,” “like the moon,” “like a log.” This phrase is especially common in Bible, which has preserved amazingly detailed descriptions unusual. We listen to what the prophet Ezekiel says about events, occurring at the beginning of the VI century BC: “I was among migrants on the river Khovar when the heavens opened, and I saw visions of God … Great cloud and swirling fire, and radiance around him … From the middle of the fire was seen the likeness of four animals … and their appearance was like that of a man … and each had four wings. And hands human beings were under their wings … And the wings touched one thing to the other, and two covered their bodies. “The analogy to this phenomenon is a man who lived 2.5 thousand years ago, in the Bronze Age, Of course not. A technical analogy arose recently: helicopter, Kamov systems, where on the same axis they rotate in different the sides are four pairs of wings in contact, the newspaper writes “Work”. But Ezekiel seems to be trying to describe the unknown and ours civilization individual helicopter-blade system knapsack type. Ezekiel goes on to say that on the earth near each “animal” was on the wheel, and it seemed, “like a wheel was in the wheel “, and when the” animals “rose above the ground, wheels went up with them. Above their heads was a “likeness vault “(cabin?), and wings spread over the vault. When moving a terrible noise was heard, “like the sound of many waters, like a voice Almighty, like a noise in a military camp; and when they stopped – lowered their wings. “Now we are all well we know how wildly a powerful helicopter roars, and how powerlessly hang down the flexible wings of the blades of a standing machine, and how they turn into shining umbrella or “dome” when flying. Obviously, even the most a brave man who lived 25 centuries ago would be numb with fear if would get into a modern airport, and Ezekiel apparently met with disproportionately higher technical civilization, which also us could amaze! After all, the feet of the “animals” sparkled; as shiny copper (we don’t have such shoes yet); amazing aliens glowed like burning coals or lamps (lanterns?); wheel rims were tall and scary because they were full of “eyes.” What is this “eyes”? Shiny some rivets or luminous structure electromagnetic field? .. One can only wonder at the details descriptions given by a person living in the Bronze Age. His an attempt to more accurately convey what he saw and the feeling of his “technical inferiority “- in the word” as if “accompanying almost every phrase. This word convinces the author of the truth and “hints” at the thrill of the soul, shocked by the meeting with the unknown. At the second meeting Ezekiel already calls the aliens not “animals”, but “cherubs.” Cherubim raise their saggy wings and take off with a terrible roar up along with wheels full of “eyes”; they head for the flying above them is the “glory of the Lord” … What else could a man of the VI century say BC. even, for example, about a balloon? What about UFOs? .. Surprisingly, “animals” or “cherubs” are humanoid. However, the reason for this may not be that the cherubim look like a person, but in that person – mysteriously arising on Earth Cro-Magnon- “cherubim” The answer to this question seems to be contained in the Bible, in Genesis, reflecting the most ancient legend. In chapter 6 there is an amazing text: “Then the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they are beautiful, and took them to themselves wife, which one chose … The sons of God began to go to the daughters human, and they began to give birth to them. They are strong, since ancient times glorious people. “So, the oldest books that have survived since when UFO and alien problems were not mentioned; they contain an extensive material indicating mysterious incidents that may interpret as contacts of people of the past with highly developed foreign civilizations. Recall that against the backdrop of the universe, numbering 17-18 billions of years, our technical civilization did not even arise “yesterday”, but only, so to speak, a microsecond ago. Is it possible exclude from the whole spectrum of hypotheses trying to explain the origin of “Homo sapiens”, a different version of existence, more advanced civilization and its influence on the earth events?
War moon