A photo from open sources After the signal about the appearance UFO, two fighters, based on Valhalla Air Base. On one of the fighters was Goosen. At first, the military decided that they were dealing with an unknown plane, however, the “plane” suddenly abruptly, almost at right angles, changed the direction of your flight without reducing speed, which is for ordinary the aircraft is impossible. Pilots handed over to Earth that not can identify the object, and received orders to bring it down. Goosen opened fire from the experimental laser gun “Tor-2”. The surface of the mysterious object was lit up with several flashes, indicating direct hits. The object began to decline sharply and high speed fell into the Kalahari desert, 8 0 kilometers north border of South Africa with Botswana. One month after the incident in an English ufological organization approached by James Van Groen, who worked with American representatives investigation of the incident. He handed a copy of the document printed on the form of the South African Air Force with the stamp “Top Secret”. It is detailed An incident was codenamed Silver Ball. 8May 1989, a group of Air Force officers and ufologists discovered in the desert a silver disk with a diameter of 18 m, a height of 8.5 m and weighing about 50 tons, crashed into sand at an acute angle. Wherein a funnel with a width of 150 and a depth of 12 m formed in the sand. Sand and stones around the disk fused, as after exposure to high temperature. Ufologists immediately noticed that the measuring equipment that they brought with them came out of system. Apparently, the strongest magnetic and radioactive radiation in the falling zone of the object. To experts nevertheless managed to make the necessary measurements and examine the fallen disk. They are did not find any seams or rivets on the body of the device. However, along its perimeter were 12 oval portholes. Determine in situ the composition of the material from which it was made object failed. Later spectral analysis carried out the Wright Patterson airbase specialists in the USA gave incredible results. It turned out that the composition of the material from which was the case of a disk is made, magnesium entered special crystalline structures, which in terrestrial conditions get practically impossible. Van Groyen told experts that an unidentified object, fallen in the Kalahari desert, was delivered to one of South Africa’s air bases �for study, the funnel was covered with sand and stones so that it wouldn’t attracted attention. But the most incredible thing happened during drive inspection. Suddenly, the bottom of the device appeared “crack” that gradually widened and two came out of it humanoid creatures about one and a half meters tall in tight jumpsuits with a metallic sheen. According to Van Groen, their the skin had a bluish tint, no hair on the heads. They perplexedly looked at earthlings with huge slanting eyes without pupils. Their hands, hanging just below the knees, had three fingers. There were membranes between the fingers. Experts tried to suggest aliens food, but they showed in relation to earthlings explicit aggressiveness: when someone tried to approach them, both began to threatenly hiss and put their hands in front of them. Soon the creatures, apparently due to inhalation of unusual air, weakened, and group members were able to load them in a helicopter in order to transfer to the Wright Patterson air base in the USA. Since then about them – no information. Van Groyen said that all the members of the group, who visited the UFO crash site, signed a document in which pledged not to disclose classified information regarding what happened. Van Groen decided to betray all this information. publicity, because he believed that hiding them would be “an act of treason all of humanity. ”
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